Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Theology for me is reason harmonizing with Faith, within the Catholic Church. Cushingism is not Catholic.

Usually the theology he repeats without knowing what it is- is Cushingism.
When a Catholic says not every one needs to enter the Church he is expressing theology. How does an average Catholic know theology? He has probably heard it.He repeats it. For him this is the teaching of the Church.
Usually the theology he repeats without knowing what it is- is Cushingism. He condemns Feeneyism.He is told it is condemned.He can only choose between Feeneyism and Cushingism and generally he does not know the difference.
Cushingism is a popular theology.It is accepted by the Magisterium. So the average Catholic repeats it.He  assumes it is de fide.
Instead it is something foreign to the Faith.It is heresy.It has come into the  Church in the 1940's.It is not part of the Deposit of the Faith. It is an irrational theology, a compromised theology.It denies the basic teachings of the Church on salvation and the proclamation of the Good News.
Feeneyism says every one needs to be a formal member of the Church, with faith and baptism, for salvation and there are no exceptions.
Cushingism says every one needs to enter the Church with faith and baptism for salvation but there are exceptions; there are known exceptions, so really every one does not need to enter the Church.
Cushingism is irrational.It says all need to enter the Church but those saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire do not need to enter the Church.It assumes that we can know these cases in real life.So all do not need to be Catholic in the present times for salvation, since there are exceptions.People in Heaven are exceptions on earth!
When the average Catholic understands this he knows Cushingism is false.Since we cannot see or personally meet someone who is now saved in Heaven with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance.These cases are known only to God. When they do not exist in our reality, how can they be exceptions to all needing to formally enter the Church in the present times ?
If I cannot meet someone in Rome saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire, how can this person who does not exist, be an exception to all needing the baptism of water in the Catholic Church on April 8,2015 ? Where are the exceptions if they do not exist ?
So most people do not know theology and so accept this irrational view made popular by the secular media.It is not Catholic theology.
Traditionalists and even priests accept Cushingism.With Cushingism there is no threat to their career and lifestyle.They cannot be accused of being bigots, fundamentalists,racists and haters in the political sense.
Others choose Cushingism since they believe the Church has condemned Feeneyism or Vatican Council II approves Cushingism. Both views are false.One cannot blame these Catholics.Since the Magisterium has never issued a correction.Instead it has promoted the lie.The priority was security and peace and not the Catholic faith.
 The Cardinal Marchetti Letter to the Archbishop of Boston (1949) was pure heresy.The text said not every one needed to formally enter the Church.This is a rejection of the dogma defined by three Church Councils.It changes the Nicene Creed. It changes Jesus' teaching in the Bible as it was interpreted over centuries.
In other words, according to Cardinal Marchetti,  there were known cases of the baptism of desire or being saved in invincible ignorance,without the baptism of water.Not only were they known  from the past , these cases also existed in the present (1949 for them).So they became exceptions.
A non existing case became an objective exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma. This is irrational. It was also saying people in Heaven are known and visible exceptions (on earth) to all needing to enter the Church in the present times.
It was also saying that we could know of people on earth in 1949 who would be saved in future, without 'faith and baptism'- something which would be known only to God.
This was Cushingism. It was upon this irrationality that a theology was created, which is accepted until today.
It is taught in Catholic universities after Fr.Leonard Feeney and four Catholic professors of theology were expelled by the Jesuit Boston College.
Fr.Leonard Feeney did not accept Cushingism.He was excommunicated by Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston.He was expelled from the Jesuit community, whose Superior had accepted Cushingism as a theology.All seminarians had to accept that being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire were exceptions to the traditional dogma.This is the norm in Deaprtments of Theology today.
Cardinal Cushing and the Jesuits placed this confusion in Vatican Council II. Lumen Gentium 14 and Ad Gentes 7 refer to invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire as if these cases were relevant to the dogma.
But all is not lost. We can still interpret Lumen Gentium 14 and Ad Gentes 7 according to Feeneyism.I would respond ,"Yes a person can be saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire and this would be followed by the baptism of water,as the dogma teaches.And anyway we do not know and cannot know these cases in real life.So they are not exceptions to Feeneyism.Theology has not changed".
There can never ever be exceptions to the theology of Feeneyism. Those who say there are exceptions  infer that the dead-saved in Heaven are known and visible to them in the present times.They can see ghosts in 2015! This of course would be Cushingism.
So if you are an average Catholic don't be impressed when someone mentions 'theeeooology'.He is possibly faking it. Odds are he is using Cushingism.
Our Lord was not a Cushingite.He said all need the baptism of water for salvation (John 3:5).There was only one Church at that time.There was only one Church in which the baptism of water could be administered.It was the Catholic Church.
He also said that those who did not believe will be condemned.He did not say that you and I would be able to judge who is an exception.
Theology for me is reason harmonizing with Faith, within the Catholic Church. Cushingism  is not Catholic.-Lionel Andrades
April 12,2015: Divine Mercy Sunday
685.After the Holy Hour, when I went to my cell, I suddenly learned how greatly God was offended by a certain person, who was close to my heart. At the sight of this, my soul was pierced with pain, and I cast myself in the dust before the Lord, begging His mercy.For two hours, in tears, prayer and flagellation I prevented the sin, and I learned that God's mercy had embraced that poor soul. Oh, the price of one single sin!
(p.281.Notebook 2.Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska-Divine Mercy in My Soul ( Marian Press, Stockbridge MA 2011)

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