Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Until today the Jesuits use an irrational premise and inference in the interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II.This was a rebellion in the Church.

Pope Francis in St. Peter's square at the Vatican on April 2, 2014.
Pope Francis and the New Rome
By Francis X. Rocca Wall Street Journal April 3, 2015 

One Saturday last month, Pope Francis celebrated Mass at Ognissanti (All Saints’) Church in one of Rome’s working-class neighborhoods. Little known to tourists or art historians, Ognissanti was the site of a momentous event in the modern history of the Catholic Church: Exactly 50 years earlier, Pope Paul VI had gone there to celebrate the first papal mass in Italian rather than in the traditional Latin.
In marking that anniversary, Pope Francis made plain his view of the vernacular Mass, one of the most visible changes ushered in by the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). The practice still pains Catholic traditionalists who mourn the loss of churchwide unity that came with a common language.
Allowing Catholics to pray in their local languages “was truly a courageous act by the church to draw closer to the people of God,” Pope Francis told a crowd gathered outside. “This is important for us, to follow the Mass this way. And there is no going back…Whoever goes back is mistaken.”
In his two years in office, the pontiff has drawn attention for his unconventional gestures—such as personally welcoming homeless people to the Sistine Chapel last month—but those gestures matter most as signs of the radical new direction in which he seeks to lead the Catholic Church: toward his vision of the promise of Vatican II.
The promise is : dogmas, doctrines and theology will be discarded as the Church moves towards the Masonic concept of a new world order with one world religion.Vatican Council II is the slogan, even though the text of Vatian  Council is traditional on ecclesiology( understanding of Church as exclusivist on salvation).
Both the acclaim and the alarm that Francis has generated as pope have been responses to his role in the long struggle over the council’s legacy.
For a half century, ordinary Catholics and their leaders have debated, often passionately, whether the changes that followed the council went too far or not far enough. Pope Francis’ immediate predecessors, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, devoted much of their pontificates to correcting what they deemed unjustified deviations from tradition in the name of Vatican II.
Now Pope Francis has effectively reversed course. In word and deed, he has argued that the church’s troubles reflect not recklessness but timidity in interpreting and applying the principles of Vatican II, especially the council’s call for the church to open itself to the modern world. “It usually takes half a century for a council to begin to sink in,” says Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York. “Now we have a pope who says, ‘Look, we just had five decades of internal debates and controversy about the meaning of Vatican II, and now it’s time to do it.’ And that’s what he’s doing.”
Allegedly the pope and Cardinal Dolan, are saying for example, that homosexuality is not a mortal sin any more. And they are attributing it to Vatican Council II. Even though the text of the Council does not say any thing about this.
Vatican Council II is the political slogan for the pro-Satan lobby.They are those who promote abortion, sodomy, atheism and  open and secret attacks on Jesus and His Church.
The pope’s vision of Vatican II has translated into a dramatic shift in priorities, with an emphasis on social justice over controversial moral teachings and a friendlier approach to secular culture.
Controversial moral teachings. They have become controversial since they have been legalised by the Left, the pro-Satan lobby. The pope approves it.So he is not threatened  by Leftist hate laws, the new fascism. Their media praise him as in this article.
This has alarmed those who fear an erosion of the church’s role as the foremost bulwark of traditional morality in the West, particularly amid heated battles over same-sex marriage, bioethics, abortion and religious freedom...     
The changes were dramatic. Rome absolved the Jewish people of collective guilt for the death of Jesus Christ and declared that God’s covenant with them had never been abrogated. Catholics began to hear Orthodox and Protestants described as “separated brethren,” while church leaders spoke of a “fellowship” with non-Christians.
Even today the Jewish Left owned media(Reuters etc) ignores Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 which say all need faith and baptism for salvation. Vatican Council II indicates that most people are on the way to Hell since at the time of death they do not have faith and baptism. The Council is also telling us that all Jews need 'faith and baptism' for salvation ( to avoid Hell). Nostra Aetate says that Catholics are the new people of God, the chosen people, the elect.
Protestants and Orthodox Christians do not have Catholic Faith which include the Sacraments and the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church.Vatican Council II (AG 7) is in agreement with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Since there canot be any known exception to the centuries old interpretation of the dogma.
The years following the council brought cultural change to the church, blurring many aspects of Catholic identity. Women ceased to wear veils in church, and Catholics started eating meat on Fridays. Nuns moved from convents to apartments. Interfaith marriage ceased to be taboo. Priests moved from hearing confessions in darkened booths to more conversational settings...
Interfaith marriages are no more taboo since the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus was discarded long before Vatican Council II.Cardinal Marchetti in 1949 assumed that there was known salvation outside the Church. This error was not corrected by Pope John Paul II or Pope Paul VI.Now Catholics are allowed to live in adultery in interfaith marriages.Since it is assumed that LG 16, LG 8, NA 2 refer to known cases in the present times and so there are known exceptions to the rigorist interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church. The fault is with the irrational inference and not the text of Vatican Council II.Yet it is with the false inference that Vatican Council II is generally interpreted by the media.

Popes John Paul and Benedict, who had played key roles at Vatican II, concluded that the church had gone too fast and too far in innovations ranging from the abandonment of religious garb to the acceptance of liberal ideas on sexual morality. In response, they issued the first universal catechism since the 16th century, systematically laying out the church’s fundamental teachings; they censured dissent among theologians and within religious orders; and they reversed moves to expand the role of bishops in the development of church teaching and practice.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1257,846) continued to uphold the Marchetti error and the irrational inference in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
They also emphasized the differences between Catholicism and other religions and made it easier to celebrate the traditional Latin Mass.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church did not endorse the traditional rigorist interpretation of the dogma.Like other magisterial documents during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, it allows a misinterpretation of being saved with the baptism of desire and in invincible ignorance. It allowed Catholics to infer that these cases  refer to personally known and visible cases, in the present times. It infers that   these  persons ( still in Heaven!) are objective exceptions to the Feeneyite version of the dogma. The Catechism has endorsed Cushingism which is heresy.It has approved a new doctrine based on an irrationality; an irrational premise/proposition.It has changed the Nicene Creed and the infallible dogma.
The Tradtional Latin Mass is permitted to be offered only by priests who interpret the dogma on salvation with Cushingism. This is approved  also by the Jewish Left.It is seen as a change in the Church's teaching on mission.
Pope Francis, the first pontiff to have received holy orders after Vatican II, is very much a son of the council. It took place during his years of study in the Jesuit order in Argentina—he was ordained just four years after it ended—and he enthusiastically followed the proceedings in Rome.On the eve of the 2013 conclave that elected him pope, then-Cardinal Bergoglio identified the main threat to the church: not the encroachment of secular culture but a tendency among Catholics themselves, especially within church institutions, to retreat into ghettos of their own making. The risk, he said, was of “theological narcissism.”
Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council and other magisterial documents with an irrational premise and inference. So for him Vatican Council II has a hermeneutic of rupture with the past.He approves of this unaware of the factual and objective error he makes.His theology is based on an irrational premise and inference.This is a common error among the Jesuits.
Pope Francis’ understanding of Vatican II was deeply shaped by his background as a Jesuit and an Argentine, according to Austen Ivereigh, author of a recent papal biography, “The Great Reformer.” The Jesuits viewed themselves as occupying the front lines in the application of the council’s teachings...
It was the Jesuits who in 1949 endorsed Cushingism. They expelled Fr.Leonard Feeney for affirming the traditional interpretation of the dogma. Until today the Jesuits use an irrational premise and inference in the interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II.This was a rebellion in the Church.
-Lionel Andrades

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