Saturday, May 23, 2015

Legion of Christ universities in Rome have compromised to remain legal

On May 11, at the European University of Rome a conference was held on "unjust laws and civil disobedience". The conference was organized by the Faculty of Human Sciences at the University. The administration invited the legal historian, Luca Galantini and the legal philosopher Tommaso Scandroglio. According to a report on the Eponymous Flower,the ' systematic treatment of the subject was initially engaged from an ethical and legal philosophical point of view, illuminating the definition of an "unjust act". Secondly the event was the to explore historically as a focus the facultas resistendi against unjust laws as an expression of a legitimate and compelling social contradiction. Finally, a bridge to the present day was completed with references to government efforts to introduce unjust laws in legitimate jurisdictions, thus exercising unacceptable coercion.'

What was not reported is that the European University of Rome and its sister organisation in the same premises, the University Pontificial Regina Apostolorum have accepted unjust anti-Semitism, racists and proselytism laws. So they have changed Catholic dogma and doctrine to 'adapt' to these new laws. They have also accepted these laws, defacto, in discipline.So Catholic students who affirm the Faith, are expelled or not allowed to sit for exams.The priest-professors of the Legion of Christ religious community, and the lay Catholic professors, at these two universities are not teaching Catholic truths to avoid litigation and a bad mark on their teaching careers. This changing of Church teachings, in order not to succumb to unjust laws is the norm accepted by the Legion of Christ administration the Vatican and the Rome Vicariate.They have compromised.
I personally know the professors and students at these two universities, since I studied Philosophy at UPRA for three years and was not allowed to sit for the Jurisidiction exam or continue studies because of the many people protesting against my Catholic beliefs on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. My Catholic beliefs which were in accord with Vatican Council II seemed to violate the leftist laws and so the university felt threathened financially.
So the present legal position of the two Legion of Christ universities in Rome are :-
Every one does not need to defacto convert into the Catholic Church for salvation in 2015 since the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. In other words there are known exceptions in the present times.Salvation in Heaven is visible on earth to become exceptions to the dogma.
They are using irrational, apparition theology to interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus as a break with the past.The professors, including Roberto De Mattei, use apparition theology, the visible-dead premise, in the interpretation of Vatican Council II, for example, and so remain legal and employed.
This is the teaching position of the Dean of Theology, the Chaplain and professos of Philosophy.-
Lionel Andrades

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