Saturday, May 23, 2015

Prof. Roberto de Mattei also uses apparition theology

Prof. Roberto de Mattei, whom I respect and whose work I appreciate, unfortunately also uses apparition theology . A professor of history he interprets Vatican Council II as a break with the past. He uses the hermeneutic of rupture in the interpretation of the Council similar to the liberals and heretics whom he criticizes.The Rhine Flows into the Tiber is one of his books.
The Rhine Flows into the Tiber, yes- because of apparition theology.So while remaining legal in Rome he changes the Catholic Faith with an irrational interpretation of magisterial documents.
This is the policy at the Legion of Christ and other Catholic universities in Italy.Some of my good former professors at the university, well meaning persons, are using this theology.
The Legion of Chirst priests, are good priests, dedicated persons, but they are being forced by the Vatican to use an irrationality, a false premise and inference in the interpretation of magisterial documents.It keeps them legal.
This is important, for important persons in the political Left machinery, who oversee the university and the Vatican.
So to avoid being targeted by the Left as some type of 'hater' Roberto Mattei, Corrado Gnerre and other good people, infer that being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are explicit exceptions to the traditional Feeneyite version of the dogma. This may be legal and politically correct and this keeps them employed but this is irrational and a lie.
-Lionel Andrades

Legion of Christ universities in Rome have compromised to remain legal


Many may ask: what is Apparition Theology ?
Apparition Theology (AT) is the new theology which emerged in the Catholic Church with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 issued by Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII.
It replaces the traditional 'rigorist interpretation' of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It postulates that there is known salvation outside the Church and so every one does not need to be a formal member of the Church in the present times.
It suggests that being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are exceptions to the centuries old interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It presumes that these cases are physically visible and known in the present times( apparitions) to become exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It is upon the premise of being able to see people in Heaven saved without the baptism of water and Catholic Faith that it infers that there are explicit exceptions to the dogma, the Feeneyite version.
It is upon this irrationality of knowing objective exceptions to the dogma in the present times, that Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits supported the new theology, a 'development' of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
In Vatican Council II, being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire was mentioned in Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 along with orthodox passages supporting the dogma.So Catholics have inferred that there are known exceptions to the dogma.
This new theology was also enforced in Vatican Council II when the excommunication of Fr.Leonard Feeney was still not lifted and he was dismissed from the Jesuit community.There was no correction issued when secular media reports said that the Church had changed its position on the dogma.
The new Apparition Theology, was accomodated by Cardinal Ratzinger in the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1257) which says God is not limited to the Sacraments.In other words the cardinal knew of explicit exceptions to the traditional dogmatic teaching on salvation.Also CCC 846 says all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church, again denying the necessity of formal membership in the Church and implying that there are known exceptions.
Magisterial documents ( Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus etc) accomodate AT and do not affirm the rigorist interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
The International Theological Commission in two papers ( Christianity and the World Religions and The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without being baptised) clearly support AT.Apparition Theology was also used in the Balamand Declaration.AT is based on a factual error ( being able to see explicit salvation in Heaven in the present times) and has replaced ecclesiocentric ecclesiology.It suggests that there are cases of persons in Heaven saved with faith and baptism and they are physically visible on earth to beceome exceptions to traditional ecclesiology.
Pope John Paul II's Encyclical Letter Ecclesia di Eucharestia excluded AT when it suggested that everyone needs the Eucharist for salvation.Cardinal Walter Kasper criticized it on the cover page of the Italian magazine 30 Giorni for its support of the ecclesiology of outside the Church there is no salvation.
The term Apparition Theology emerged on the blog Eucharist and Mission in response to Michael Voris and E.Michael Jones' criticism of Medugorje.They both use AT as if they have their own apparitions.
AT determines how we interpret Vatican Council II.With Apparition Theology LG 16, NA 2, UR 3 etc become exceptions to the dogma.Without AT they are only possibilities.They are hypothethical cases followed by the baptism of water.So theoretical possibilities ( with or without the baptism of water) cannot be objective exceptions to all needing to be formal members of the Church in 2015.
Without Apparition Theology there is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities.
Without AT we have an ecumenism of return and inter religious dialogue according to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Apparition Theology emerged due to the silence in defending the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

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