Thursday, June 25, 2015

Pope Francis like the sedevantists uses Marchetti's irrational premise and inference. He accepts the Council with this error

Introibo Ad Altare Dei (IAAD)
Let's get one thing straight: the goal of Vatican II is, and always has been, the creation of an ecumenical One World "Church" where everything is accepted but the Truth. 
The truth is not accepted also by the sedevacantists. They use Marchetti's reasoning. Then they reject Vatican Council which agrees with EENS according to St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, St.Maximillian Kolbe etc.

They will have a "Gay mass" with practicing sodomites in one place and they'll give you a "Latin Motu Mass" condemning unnatural practices in another. "Sister Mary Marxist" will tell you everyone goes to Heaven regardless of belief, and "Brother Feeney" will tell you almost no one gets there unless the person is enrolled on a parish register, and probably not even then.
'No no one gets there unless the person is enrolled on a parish register' yes, this was the traditional teaching of the Church. Your view is based on the EWTN model in the online report Tragic Errors of Fr.Leonard Feeney by Fr.William Most. 

 You can have any view you wish and do anything you like, as long as you submit to Francis and the ecumenical heresies of Vatican II. 
Pope Francis like the sedevantists uses Marchetti's irrational premise and inference. He accepts the Council with this error . The sedevantists reject the Council but also with the same error.
The sedevantists accept Pope Pius XII who made the same irrational error as the popes who followed him.They are not aware of the error so they condemn the popes after Pius XII.
-Lionel Andrades

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