Thursday, June 25, 2015

The EWTN report Tragic Errors of Fr.Leonard Feeney by Fr.William Most is based on irrational Cushingism

Introibo Ad Altare Dei :IAAD
 Wow. So the dogma of EENS has two "theologies":
There is one traditional theology.
It is when it is assumed that there are known exceptions to the dogma, that a new theology emerges.
The traditional theology is Feeneyism. The new one is Cushingism or Marchettiism.

 that of Feeney and that of "Cushingism" --so named by the blog's author after Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston who condemned Feeney and upheld BOD and BOB.
Yes! He upheld BOB and BOD as exceptions to the dogma. He assumed they were relevant to the dogma. 
Before 1949 they were also accepted. But they were not considered relevant to the dogma. They were not considered explicit and known to us human beings.Marchetti and Cushingism made the irrational connection.

 The idea of BOD and BOB go way back to times Apostolic, not to the 1940s.
And they were not linked to the dogma.
They were not assumed to be visible in the flesh for us human beings.This change was made in 1949.
The text of the thrice defined dogma does  not mention them.Obviously, since we do not know any case of BOB and BOD in the present times for them to be exceptions to the dogma.

 The other errors are manifest. If the Universal and Ordinary Magisterium teaches "Cushingism" then it must be accepted.
Before 1949 the magisterium did not teach Cushingism. The contemporary magisterium does.

 The Church rejects the idea that only de fide pronouncements must be believed. Feeneyism is the heresy. 
Before 1949 the Church has always taught that every one needs to formally enter the Church for salvation, every one needs to be a defacto member of the Catholic Church.

BOD and BOB (or "Cushingism" according to EAM--as if the Cardinal invented the Catholic teaching!) does NOT teach "all need to enter the Church but those saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire do not need to enter the Church."
This would be fine with me as long as you do not infer that these cases are known to us in the present times and so they are exceptions to the dogma.
Every one needs to be a formal member of the Church today for salvation and if there are some hypothetical, unknown cases somewhere out there, they are not exceptions or to relevant to the dogma.

 As explained above, those who receive BOD are infused with both Faith and Sanctifying Grace, this precludes ignorance at that point and they are members of the Church!
Fine ! As long as we both agree that these are hypothetical cases and so are not defacto exceptions to the dogma this day, this month and this year.

 There are no people in Heaven who were "exceptions" (i.e. non-Catholic) on Earth. He either completely misrepresents or doesn't understand the principles involved.
Every one in Heaven is only a Catholic!

It may strike many as strange, that a sect which proclaims universal (or near universal) salvation outside itself, would be home to those who hold the heretical views of Fr. Feeney where almost no one gets to Heaven. 
Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism. This is traditional.
We also know that most people die without faith and baptism and so are oriented to Hell.
This is a traditional teaching.It is also Feeneyism within Vatican Council II.

The Vatican II sect will tolerate anything except the Truth! The false popes and their teachings are a bundle of contradictions. Many who follow Francis and Vatican II refer to the Feeneyite heresy as "the restrictive interpretation" as opposed to the "liberal interpretation" (universal salvation where everyone becomes an "anonymous Christian" as per the heretic Fr. Karl Rahner).
If your referring to the EWTN report Tragic Errors of Fr.Leonard Feeney by Fr.William Most, note, that he is using Marchettiism. It is based on irrational Cushingism. It contradicts IAAD's position on Twitter.

 Notice the CORRECT interpretation is jettisoned. One of the biggest apologists for the Vatican II sect, Pete Vere, employed by them as a "canon lawyer,"  has defended the Feeneyite position as acceptable to be held by "Catholics"(!)
Peter Vere also uses Cushingism.
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. So are all of these clerics, catholic Blogs, theologians, lay catholics, SSPX, FSSP, etc... other than you saying that " No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church "
    has been changed to "there is salvation outside the Catholic Church' ????? I think so. They can not have it both ways and God makes no exceptions. It is certainly church teaching that during judgment AFTER death His mercy knows no bounds; never the less that mercy to possibly incorporate one into the Catholic Church is not ever an EXCEPTION and NEVER the teaching mission of the Church to suggest to anyone that they can pick from a non Catholic Salvation option. If Catholics stop and thought how much more loving and charitable and most importantly doing the will of God it would be for them to teach the beauty, the truth and the absolute necessity of needing the Catholic Church for Salvation. Instead of explaining Salvation through Catholicity away with contrived loopholes they would all be in better personal status for their own salvation in doing the will of Jesus in founding the one and only one true Church outside which there is NO salvation. Catholics have a duty and responsibility to act and teach that which is true as commanded by Jesus. Popes and Councils throughout the centuries.

    George Brenner
