Monday, July 20, 2015

No response from Fraternita Sacerdotale San Pio X (SSPX Italy) : doctrinal mess

Convegno 2014  They have all the resources, time and personell but they are staying low, bent in the bunkers at Albano, crouched in silence.They know they made a mistake and expect flak coming their way, so they are not  saying anything.May be they hope that another year or two will pass away and no one will notice.They made a doctrinal error.Doctrine, which they are so proud of otherwise and for which they are constantly criticizing Pope John Paul II and other popes. Their doctrinal mistake was originally made in the past by the Holy Office 1949.It was picked up innocently by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, their founder, and it was promoted by the SSPX bishops.The District Superior of the SSPX Italy, Fr. Pierpaulo Petrucci, actively promoted the error at a conference in Rimini, Italy. It was published in a book of collected papers at Rimini, and was made available at 16 euros for Italians who frequent the SSPX chapels.
When the error was pointed out to them over a year back through this blog there was no response.There was no press statement from them even though it was posted on the Internet and copies sent to Albano and other traditionalists.Otherwise the Fraternita Sacerdotale San Pio X are quick to respond to reports.
Now there is silence. It is calculated silence.
Foto di gruppoTheir position on Vatican Council II is now a political one without citations available from the text of the Council. It is clear that they have no doctrinal or factual support, for their position.They have used an irrational premise and inference, like the rest of the Church, to interpret Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents.

The Council of Trent, Mystici Corporis, Quanta Cura etc are interpreted by Albano, with a peculiar reasoning. They  assume people in Heaven are visible on earth in the present times.Then it is inferred that these invisible cases are exceptions to the 'strict interpretation' of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So the Council of Trent, Mystici Corporis etc become a break with the traditional interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. This is an error since there is no connection between the dogma on salvation and being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.Theoretical cases cannot be exceptions. This was the original mistake made by the Italian Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani in 1949.
This connection was further made by the liberal theologians, the Jesuits in Boston and Cardinal Richard Cushing , the Archbishop of Boston. It was supported by the secular media and Pope Pius XII did not issue a correction. The SSPX Italy and Econe accept it until today.It is irrational. Yet this is how they interpret doctrine.
Lumen Gentium 16 and Unitatitis Redintigratio 3 for example , are neutral .If one assumes that they refer to persons visible, known seen in the flesh, who are in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water, then LG 16 and UR 3 become a break with the centuries old interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.(EENS)
If one assumes that these cases are invisible for us, and known only to God, then LG 16 and UR 3 do not contradict the traditional Feeneyite version of EENS. Vatican Council II is not a break with the Syllabus of Errors and the dogma.
The SSPX Italy has chosen the irrational alternative and so wrongly condemns Vatican Council II and Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston, when the fault is with their interpretation. Their theology becomes fantasy since it is based on a factual error, that of being able to see people in Heaven.
 -Lionel Andrades

July 5, 2015
Fr.Pier Paolo Petrucci, the SSPX District Superior acts as if all is normal

Fr. Pier Paolo Petrucci, SSPX District Superior,Italy keeps silent over this issue for over a year : no clarification

JUNE 29, 2015 Fr. Pier Paolo Petrucci, SSPX District Superior,Italy keeps silent over this issue for over a year : no clarification

FEBRUARY 5, 2014
If Fr.Leonard Feeney was correct or wrong, still imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3) and the baptism of desire are not explicit for us : no clarification still from SSPX Italy
 Bishop Fellay has said that doctrinal questions must be clarified. SSPX USA should clarify this issue. Did Marchetti make an objective error?

February 3, 2015

This is an error from the pontificate of Pope Pius XII whom the SSPX respects.They do not call him a modernist pope.

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