Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Iraqi Christian: Islamic State jihadis blinded me after I refused to convert to Islam

Iraqi Christian Mokhls Youssef Batk was blinded by IS militants after he refused to convert to Islam, he told MCN

islamic-state-topic-original-1407866105The  Qur’an says that “there is no compulsion in religion,” (2:256), but what constitutes “compulsion” is in the eye of the beholder. The institutionalized subjugation of the dhimma, with its regular humiliation and harassment, from which one can be freed for the simple price of converting to Islam, is not considered compulsion. Remember Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig, the journalists who were kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam — even though their conversions were obviously coerced, their captors made them say that they were converting freely, and the captors probably believed that themselves. After all, the journos could have chosen to be killed instead.
“Iraqi Christian: IS militants blinded me after I refused to convert to Islam,” MCN, August 7, 2015:
Iraqi Christian Mokhls Youssef Batk was blinded by IS militants after he refused to convert to Islam, he told MCN…

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