Tuesday, August 11, 2015

UK allows jihadi preacher to stay in country despite “extremist” views


Not only is this jihadi allowed to remain in the UK, but he is living on benefits. My ban from entering the UK has become a staple of the Leftist/Islamic supremacist dossier of lies, distortions, and defamation on me, but this shows how hollow it is: the British government is reeling in terror of Islamic jihadists and is in full appeasement mode, allowing preachers of jihad murder to remain in the country and banning counter-jihadists. Being banned from shattered, staggering, subjugated, cowed, confused, capitulating dhimmi Britain is not the mark of shame that jihad enablers pretend it is; on the contrary, it is a badge of honor.

“Jihadi preacher linked to bin Laden allowed to stay in UK despite ‘extremist’ views,” by Robert Mendick and Robert Verkaik, Telegraph, August 9, 2015 (thanks to Anne Crockett):
The Yemeni-born imam has spent more than a decade fighting for UK citizenship in a case that has cost the British taxpayer tens of thousands of pounds in court bills.
The Telegraph is prevented from naming the preacher under protection given him by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC).
The special court has ruled that the 50-year-old preacher – known in documents as FM – is not entitled to a British passport because of his extremist views and connections to bin Laden.
He has been detained between four and five times at British airports under terror laws and his home searched by Special Branch officers and ‘items’ seized. He frequently travels to Yemen, a known hotspot for al-Qaeda linked terrorist groups.
But incredibly, the Home Office cannot deport the imam, who preaches at a large mosque in the north of England, because it would be a breach of his human rights to do so.
The court case shows the problems facing Mr Cameron in tackling Islamist extremism. In his toughest speech yet on the issue last week, Mr Cameron launched a five-year plan to defeat home-grown extremism, which included countering the “warped” extremist ideology, and the journey to radicalisation.
Critics say that will be difficult if foreign-born hate preachers cannot be deported. A study, conducted by an anti-extremist think tank, has shown that 28 foreign-born convicted terrorists and suspects have used the Human Rights Act to prevent their expulsion from the UK because they come from countries such as Yemen, Algeria and Egypt where they would face torture or mistreatment on their return.
Under Article 3 of both the European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights Act, individuals are protected against torture and inhuman or degrading treatment.
SIAC has ruled that FM must not be given British nationality. The commission, made up of two senior judges and the former head of MI5 Sir Stephen Lander, agreed with the Home Office that the imam had preached extremist views and was not of ‘good character’ needed to become a UK citizen.
Theresa May, the Home Secretary, had blocked the imam’s bid for a UK passport in 2014, 11 years after he first made the application. Using ‘secret and reliable sources’, Mrs May decided that ever since FM’s arrival in Britain as long ago as 1995 he had visited ‘various mosques’ where he had “preached extremist Muslim and anti–western views”.
Mrs May concluded that “FM has been a supporter of jihad”. The SIAC judgment adds: “He has openly claimed a historic association with Osama Bin Laden and/or sympathy with him. The Secretary of State was therefore not satisfied, that on the balance of probabilities, FM was a good character.”
The preacher came to the UK in November 1995, applying for asylum a month later. He married in 1996 and has five children all born in Britain. He dropped his claim for asylum in 2003 when he was granted indefinite leave to remain and a year later began his decade long battle for citizenship. The Home Office denied the imam British nationality as long ago as 2006 and the legal battle has raged since then.
It is understood he has been living on benefits since coming to the UK and declared on his citizenship form in 2004 that he had no job and had never supported any “acts of terrorism”….


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