Sunday, November 1, 2015

The church in Rome that the saints visited

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Today morning I went for Mass at the basilica  Sant' Andrea della Fratte, Rome. The old priest in his homily on All Saints Day, today,  remarked that through this church many saints had passed. He then began naming the saints who visited that church and prayed there. He also mentioned martyrs.He began speaking about the martyrs all over the world . He remembered  Catholics  who were martyred for the Faith in Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania.
The church which draws many pilgrims, aside from the tourists, is famous for the conversion of the Jewish financier Alphonse Ratisbonne. He became a priest and missionary in the Middle East after he saw a vision of the Blessed Mother in this church near Piazza Spagna. At the Altar of the Miracle, where the priest offered Mass not facing the people, and which still has its Communion Rail, Ratisbonne in a flash saw Our Lady as he entered the church.She showed him the beauty of the Catholic Church and its necessity for the salvation of all people.

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In his homily today the Minim Father said that the parent of St. Theresa of Lisseux, who was recently canonised,  prayed there.
Near Sant' Andrea della Fratte, further down the road, the young St. Teresa of Liseux and her father lived, when they came to Rome to meet the pope.
St. Maximillian Kolbe came here often when the was studying in Rome. He also offered his First Mass at the Altar of the Miracle.
-Lionel Andrades

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