Monday, January 4, 2016

Bad weather affects pro life vigils in front of hospitals on Saturday

Snow and rain affected the pro-Life prayer vigils outside the hospitals in Italy last Saturday (Jan 2,2016).Even at Milan there were less people than usual.It was raining in Rome and so prayers were restricted to the chapel of the hospital San Giovanni Addolorata, near the piazza San Giovanni in Laterano.There were three persons outside the hospital in Rome maintaining the vigil.

Many Italians however maintained the vigil inspite of the rain and cold.

The prayers in front of the hospitals are held every alternate First Saturday of the month.It is organised by the No.194 Committee . The next event is on March 5, 2016

The national vigil outside a hospital in Bologna will be held next June.They are always held in mid-June and mid-December there.

The Leftist political party, Partito Democratico has called for a ban to prayer vigils in front of hosipitals.The Prefect in Bologna recently imposed such a restriction.LGBT and femminist supporters now commonly clash with pro-lifers. There are physical attacks.
Bologna, il Pd contro gli antiabortisti: "Il prefetto vieti la preghiera davanti all'ospedale"
Inspite of the intimidation the events continue.Since there are over 1,30,000 Italian babies who are aborted every year in Italy according to reports.There is also easy access to contraceptives at pharmacies.

The Catholic Church does not directly support these vigils. The daily newspaper of the Catholic Bishops Conference, Avvenire has a picture of a Syrian refugee baby and stories of immigrant  babies lost at sea but there is no mention of the No.194 event at hospitals in Italy.

Also in the statement recently issued, after the meeting of the Italian President and Pope Francis, there is no mention of the over hundred thousand babies killed cruelly every year through legal abortion in Italy.Nor was there any mention of attacks on pro-lifers by leftist groups.
Bad weather last Saturday also affected the presence of the pro-abortion lobby who do not tolerate pro-life opinions.
-Lionel Andrades

La Curia: "Legittima la preghiera anti-aborto davanti all'ospedale"

L'aborto uccide i bambini.
        Si può avere un aborto qui.

9 Week Abortion (01)

10 Week Abortion (11)

22 Week Abortion (01)


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