Monday, January 4, 2016

Fr. Frank Pavone : Pro-Abortion Conversion Through Signs


Comments from our Visitors Regarding the Graphic photos of Abortion on our Website 

The Priests for Life website contains thousands of pages of text and hundreds of hours of audio files. Yet nothing we have ever posted has brought us more testimonies of conversion than the images of aborted babies. Emails continue to pour into our office from people who have been profoundly moved by these pictures. We want to share these reactions with you, and you can read them by clicking the links below.
You will see that the reactions are of many types. Many say they were "pro-choice," but that the pictures changed their minds. You will also read about many who were pro-life, and even actively fighting abortion, but who were energized to a whole new level of activity by seeing the pictures. There are also those who were actually pregnant and considering abortion, and the pictures changed their minds and saved the life of their babies.
Many of these people express the desire to have others see these images also. We hope you will join them, and us, in spreading these pictures to as many people as possible.
-- Fr. Frank Pavone

Pro-Abortion Conversion Through Signs
This is a powerful testimony from a young mom about how the Face the Truth signs changed her from pro-abortion to pro-life.

Priests for Life


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