Sunday, January 17, 2016

Pope Francis and Cardinal Muller interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II with Cushingism : 'the Church' is in manifest heresy

Pope Francis and Cardinal Muller interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingism, I mentioned in a previous blog post. This is heresy.
For them there is a  baptism of desire which excludes  the baptism of water and this is inferred to be  an explicit exception to the  traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, even though no one has seen these 'explicit cases' in the past or present. This is an innovation in the Church and is responsible for so much confusion.
Here are questions and answers with a Catholic  layman,informed on this subject, who thinks the contemporary magisterium, 'the Church' cannot make a mistake.

We  can agree that no one can say that anyone and I mean anyone is in Heaven without baptism of water. 

But you will soon speculate that it is a possibility known to God and so there is such case in Heaven.Yes God can do what He wishes and has no limitations, but there is no such known case in the past or present for us human beings.So this speculation must not be linked to the dogma EENS as an exception, in principle.

We will probably never agree that there might be souls in heaven that were NOT physically baptized by water since we do not know and can not speculate for God is God. This has been Church teaching throughout the centuries and is not going to adopt your private interpretations of EENS.
There 'might be souls' is speculation. It is not relevant to the dogma EENS.

   The ordinary magisterium of the Church has openly taught the three-fold Baptism (water, desire and blood) since the earliest days of the Church, and never has this teaching ever been condemned by the Catholic Church throughout the entire history of the Church. I do I need to quote you the 100 plus saints, Popes and encyclicals throughout Church history again.
The ordinary magisterium has always taught that there is one baptism for the forgiveness of sin. This is part of the Nicene Creed.There is one known baptism, the baptism of water.
The baptism of desire and blood, were 'created' as baptisms equal to the baptism of water in the Baltimore Catechism. At Baltimore, USA, they did not know of any one saved with the baptism of desire or blood and without the baptism of water. They did not know of any case of the baptism of desire which was a Sacrament like the baptism of water. Yet they speculated that the baptism of desire was equivalent to the baptism of water, and so they  placed the baptism of desire in the baptism of water section.
Then in 1949 the liberal theologians in Boston citing the Baltimore Catechism said the baptism of desire was an exception to the centuries old interpretation of the dogma. In other words it was explicitly known, as a Sacrament with the effects of the baptism of water.The dogma was discarded.

The First Vatican Council commands that all Catholics must believe what the ordinary magisterium of the Church teaches, therefore no Catholic can deny the doctrines Baptism of Desire, or Baptism of Blood.
The ordinary magisterium after the Council of Trent must also obey the perennial magisterium before the Council of Trent and not  give us innovations and irrationality in the the name of ' the Church'.
-Lionel Andrades

Pope Francis and Cardinal Muller interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II with Cushingism : this is manifest heresy

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