Monday, January 18, 2016

Pope Francis and Cardinal Muller interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II with irrationality : manifest heresy

Pope Francis and Cardinal Muller interpret
the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus
and Vatican Council II with irrational
Cushingism, I mentioned in a
previous blog post. This is heresy.

The baptism of desire and blood, were
'created' as baptisms equal to the baptism
of water in the Baltimore Catechism.
At Baltimore, USA, they did not know
of any one saved with the baptism of
desire or blood and without the baptism
of water. They did not know of any case
of the baptism of desire which was a
Sacrament like the baptism of water.
Yet they speculated that the baptism
of desire was equivalent to the baptism
of water, and so they placed the baptism
of desire in the baptism of water section.
Then theologians would cite some saint from
the past who referred to the possibility of
being saved with the baptism of desire.They
would imply that this was a known case to
the saint or that we can know of some such
case. This was false.
Yet even today we see this reasoning used
by so many Catholics .
Here is another example.

St. Bonaventure, Doctor of the Church (13th century): In Sent. IV, d.4,P.2,a.I,q.I: “God obliges no one to do the impossible and therefore it must be admitted that the baptism of desire without the baptism of water is sufficient, provided the person in question has the will to receive the baptism of water, but is prevented from doing so before he dies."
Lionel, Just this alone undoes everything you have said on the mercies of God at judgment.
St. Bonaventure, Doctor of the Church (13th century): In Sent. IV, d.4,P.2,a.I,q.I: “God obliges no one to do the impossible and therefore it must be admitted that the baptism of desire without the baptism of water is sufficient, provided the person in question has the will to receive the baptism of water, but is prevented from doing so before he dies." ...THIS WITH COUNTLESS OTHERS IS WAY BEFORE YOUR CONTINUAL attacks on the Church in the 19th century. Your argument is with the Church itself and not me. PRAY for wisdom and understanding,

We can agree that no one can say
that anyone and I mean anyone is in Heaven without baptism
of water. Lionel:But you will soon speculate that it is a
possibility known to God and so there is such case in
.Yes God can do what He wishes and has no limitations,
but there is no such known case in the past or present for
us human beings
.So this speculation must not be linked to
the dogma EENS as an exception, in

I repeat there is no such known case.
St.Bonaventure did not know of any specific case.
Would you agree ? He did not know of any specific case ? There was no known case for him?
So you see liberal theologians have taken this case, and others, assumed they were explicit for us,
in personal cases, then inferred that they were exceptions to the dogma EENS.
Do you see the pattern?
So many people have fallen before this error in reasoning.
-Lionel Amdrades

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