Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Pope Francis, Sergio Mastarella and Avvenire : immigrant babies are important but Italian babies are not

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The Italian Catholic daily Avvenire  has big coloured pictures of immigrant babies lost  or found in the Mediterannean sea but there is no picture of the young and old Italians praying amid snow and rain  last Saturday, outside hospitals throughout Italy.The Dec.31- Jan 3 issues of the newspaper also do not mention the over 1,00,000 Italian babies killed with abortion pincers and instruments, in 2015.
Pope Francis and President Sergio Mastarella are concerned about babies lost at sea or in war but there is no reference to the hundreds to thousands of children put to death legally, in ' a civilized society'.There was not a single reference to this horror in their end of the year and new year messages.Not a single reference!
Immigrant babies are important but Italian babies are not.

On Dec 31, 2015 Avvenire did a special report on pedofilia, with a picture of a 10 year old Asian girl, abused by tourists.While on page 13 of the same issue (Dec.31) there are large coloured pictures of Aylan, the Syrian child, who died at sea in September. There is no mention in this Dec. 31 issue, of the over 1,00,000 Italian babies killed in legal abortion .
In the Jan.2,2016 issue there is a report on page 4 on the Italian President Sergio Mattarella's letter to Pope Francis and the bishops.The Avvenire report refers to 700 children among immigrants killed in the Mediterannean last year.There is no reference to the thousands of Italian babies killed.
Related imageImage result for Photos from center for bioethical reform USAImage result for Photos from center for bioethical reform USAImage result for Photos from center for bioethical reform USA
On Pag 10 of the Jan 3 ( Sunday) is there is a big coloured picture of a baby immigrant being rescued at sea, while on page 11 there is a report of an Italian mother who died giving birth to her baby in Brescia. There is no report of the Italians praying and protesting the previous day outside hospitals.
Pope Francis' homily at the morning Mass celebrated on Jan.1,2016 at St. Peter's Basilica,on the feast of the Divine Maternity of Maria  (Maternita divina di Maria) is reported.( Jan 2,2016 Avvenire.p.4).The pope mentions the babies who escape war ( donne e bambini che fuggono dalla guerra).No word about legal abortion and the law 194.
Pietro Guerni ,a lawyer, says abortion in   Italy is free and easily available. Catholics who oppose abortion do not want to leave their comfort zone  and protest outside hospitals, with him.
The pope I notice has  not visited Catholics praying outside hospitals.
-Lionel Andrades

Bad weather affects pro life vigils in front of hospitals on Saturday


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