Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ave Maria University like the sedevacantist seminary in Florida uses irrational Cushingism instead of traditional Feeneyism to interpret Vatican Council II

Here is the introduction to the Ave Maria University, Florida,  on the home page of its website.
Ave Maria University is proud of its Catholic identity. (It interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism and so is a break with the pre-Council of Trent magisterium which was Feeneyite  The Most Rev. Frank J. Dewane, Bishop of the Diocese of Venice in Florida, established Ave Maria University as a Catholic University according to the guidelines of the Code of Canon Law.( USCCB bishops interpret the Code of Canon Law with Cushingism)  The recognition of Ave Maria University as a Catholic University is granted upon the University’s commitment to continue to be guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church (whose documents are interpreted with irrational Cushingism instead of traditional Feeneyism )  and faithfulness to the apostolic constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae.
“The University provides such a clear expression of the mission of Catholic education.” (William Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith)
“And today, here at Ave Maria, here in Southwest Florida, the Church is alive and young.” (Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami)
“If ever there was an institution that exemplified the spirit of the John Paul II Generation, it’s Ave Maria University.” (Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of The Knights of Columbus)
About Ave Maria
Ave Maria University is a vibrant University located in beautiful Southwest Florida. It is an academic institution that pledges faithfulness to the teachings of the Catholic Church ( interpreted with irrational Cushingism which is a break with the old ecclesiology)  and is committed to offering one of the finest classical liberal arts curricula available, as well as opportunities for specialized study in all of the sciences and humanities.

Ave Maria is known for its exceptional academics, faithfulness to the magisterium of the Catholic Church ( the contemporary magisterium inteprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism so the Council is a break with the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesium nulla salus, as it was interpreted by the magisterium over centuries) , dedicated faculty and caring staff, and a unique educational philosophy that strives to develop the whole person. For more on this, see the Mission Statement of Ave Maria University and brief account of Our History below.
The university’s superb faculty, challenging curriculum, professional staff , and a student community where it is easy to form lasting friendships, provide graduates with a training that empowers them to step out into the working world as future leaders and wealth-creators, with a solid understanding of contemporary challenges, and a strong confidence in their own intellectual training and foundation.
Our Mission Statement

Founded in fidelity to Christ and His Church ( False infidelity to the rational and traditional pre Council of Trent magisterium whose eccclesiology was ecclesiocentric ) in response to the call of Vatican II (interpreted with Cushingism and not Feeneyism) for greater lay witness in contemporary society, Ave Maria University exists to further teaching, research, and learning at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the abiding tradition of Catholic thought (it is break with 'the abiding tradition of Catholic thought' since it uses fantasy theology, based on an irrationality, a falsehood )  in both national and international settings. The University takes as its mission the sponsorship of a liberal arts education curriculum dedicated, as articulated in the apostolic constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae, to the advancement of human culture, the promotion of dialogue between faith and reason (there is no dialogue between faith and reason since Cushingism is a form of reasoning which is a break with Catholic faith) , the formation of men and women in the intellectual and moral virtues of the Catholic faith, and to the development of professional and pre-professional programs in response to local and societal needs. As an institution committed to Catholic principles, the University recognizes the importance of creating and maintaining an environment in which faith informs the life of the community and takes expression in all its programs. The University recognizes the central and indispensable role of the Ordinary of the Diocese of Venice in promoting and assisting in the preservation and strengthening of the University’s Catholic identity. (if the Diocesan Bishop would interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism there would be a protest from Cardinal Sean O Malley and Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades who are members on the Board of Trustees and are Cushingites) 
-Lionel Andrades

Related image

Florida seminaries and universities unaware: Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the theology of Feeneyism or Cushingism

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