Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Florida seminaries and universities unaware: Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the theology of Feeneyism or Cushingism

The following report is from the home page of  the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary, Florida's website.Like the other seminaries and universities in Florida, they are unaware that Vatican Council II can be interpreted with either the theology of Feeneyism or Cushingism.
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Most Holy Trinity Seminary was founded in 1995 in order to provide priestly training for young men who thoroughly reject Vatican II, (according to Cushingism) its reforms, (according to Cushingism) and the Modernist hierarchy which promulgates them. This position is in contrast to the seminaries of traditionalist groups ( which also interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism) that operate with the approval of the Modernist hierarchy, or who seek this approval.
The Seminary trains priests according to pre-Vatican II standards. (False they interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism) Its rule, discipline, spiritual formation, and academic curriculum imitate faithfully those which were in effect in seminaries before the Second Vatican Council.(False they are a break with the pre Council of Trent seminary training which was Feeneyite) By training priests in this manner, the seminary hopes to contribute to the solution to the problem of the nearly universal desintegration of Catholic faith, morals, discipline, and liturgy which the Second Vatican Council has caused.
The seminary sees that the only solution to the problem of Vatican II (interpreted with Cushingism) , however, is to condemn it as a false council (it is not a false Council when interpreted with Feeneyism) which was dominated by heretics, and to discard and ignore its decrees and enactments. Consequently, the Seminary does not seek to be recognized by the heretical hierarchy (the Seminary and the Vatican Curia are using Cushingism as a theology) which promulgates Vatican II (choosing Cushingism instead of Feeneyism ) , nor does it seek to work with the Novus Ordo clergy, as if in a single church or religion.
The Seminary therefore repudiates the idea of the Motu Proprio Mass (the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass presently has a new ecclesiology based on the theology of Cushingism), or that of a fraternity of priests which has received permission or seeks permission from the Novus Ordo hierarchy to function in communion with the Modernist heretics.
The Catholic Church, in the outlook of the Seminary, will not be cured of its current problems until the hierarchical sees, particularly the papacy, are once again occupied by Catholics. For as long as Modernist heretics possess the mere appearance of authority which they now possess, the problem of Vatican II will continue.(Vatican Council II interpretated with Cushingism or Feeneyism) In the meantime the Seminary, as well as the priests who emanate from it, shall abhor even the suggestion of an official recognition from the Novus Ordo hierarchy, or of a compromise with the Modernists, whom St. Pius X called the “most pernicious of all the enemies of the Church,” who are striving “utterly to subvert the very Kingdom of Christ.”
Similarly the Ave Maria University's theology department also interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism. With Feeneyism the result is different.
-Lionel Andrades
 AKA Catholic
December 15, 2015

Louie Verrecchio still doesn't get it :there is a theology of Cushingism and Feeneyism http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2015/12/louie-verrecchio-still-doesnt-get-it.html

February 15, 2016

When will Louie Verrecchio respond to blog posts on Vatican Council II theologically or philosophically ? http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2016/02/when-will-louie-verrecchio-respond-to.html

Traditionalists are still interpreting Lumen Gentium 16 with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2015/12/traditionalists-are-still-interpreting.html


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Dauphinais, Michael

Associate Professor of Theology & Chair of the Department
Education: B.S.E., Duke University; M.T.S. Duke Divinity School; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame.
Email: michael.dauphinais@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 280-2538
Office: Henkels 3005

Froula, Jeff

Adjunct Professor of TheologyEmail: jeffrey.froula@avemaria.edu

Garrity, Fr. Robert

Assistant Professor of Theology
Education: B.A., English Literature, Aurora University, Illinois. M.A., S.T.L., Theology, The Catholic University of America. J.C.L., Canon Law, The Catholic University of America S.T.D., Theology, The Catholic University of America
Email: robert.garrity@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 280-2424
Office: Henkels 2068

Lamb, Fr. Matthew

Cardinal Maida Professor of Theology
Education: S.T.L., Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. Dr. Theo., Theology, Westfaelishe Wilhelms University, Muenster, Germany. Ph. D., Humanities, Honoris Causa, Franciscan University of Steubenville
Email: fr.matthew.lamb@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 216-1024
Office: Henkels 3008

Long, Steven

Professor of Theology
Education: B.A., M.A., University of Toledo; Ph.D., Catholic University of America
Email: steven.long@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 280-1664
Office: Henkels 3007

McManus, Fr. Eamon

Adjunct Professor of TheologyEmail: fr.eamon.mcmanus@avemaria.eduPhone: (239) 280-1614

Nutt, Roger

Associate Professor of Theology
Education: B.E.S., Literature and Philosophy, St. Cloud State University.M.A., Theology and Christian Ministry, Franciscan University of Steubenville. S.T.B., S.T.L., S.T.D., Sacred Theology, The Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome
Email: roger.nutt@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 280-1603
Office: Henkels 3003

Nutt, Susan

Administrative Assistant, Graduate TheologyEmail: susan.nutt@avemaria.eduPhone: (239) 280-1629Office: Henkels 3001

Riordan, William

Professor of Theology
Education: B.A., St. Mary's College of California; M.A., Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley; S.T.L., S.T.D, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Rome).
Email: bill.riordan@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 280-2535
Office: Henkels 3029

Scheck, Thomas

Associate Professor of Theology
Education: B.A. Moody Bible Institute; M Div. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., University of Iowa.
Email: thomas.scheck@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 280-1640
Office: Henkels 3027

Surmanski, Sr. Albert Marie OP

Instructor of Theology & Research Fellow
Education: B. Phil., Ave Maria College; M.A., Ave Maria University; Ph.D., Ave Maria University
Email: sr.albertmarie.surmanski@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 304-7825
Office: Henkels 3032

Tamisiea, David

Assistant Professor of Theology
Education: B.A., University of Notre Dame. J.D., University of Texas School of Law, Austin, TX. M.A., Ave Maria University, Ph.D. (Cand.), Ave Maria University
Email: david.tamisiea@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 304-7363
Office: Henkels 3004

Valle, Anthony

Research Fellow
Education: B.A., University of Notre Dame; M.A., Columbia University; M.A., St. Joseph’s Seminary; S.T.L., Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum; S.T.D. (Cand.), Pontificia Università della Santa Croce
Email: anthony.valle@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 280-1637
Office: Henkels 3031-3034

Waldstein, Michael

Max Seckler Professor of Theology
Education: B.A., Thomas Aquinas College; Ph.D. University of Dallas; S.S.L. Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome; Th.D., Harvard Divinity School.
Email: michael.waldstein@avemaria.edu
Phone: (239) 280-2594
Office: Henkels 3009

Waldstein, Susan

Adjunct Professor of Theology
Education: B.A., Liberal Arts, Thomas Aquinas College. S.T.M., S.T.L., Sacred Theology, International Theological Institute, Austria, S.T.D., University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Email: susan.waldstein@avemaria.edu
Phone: (230) 280-2594
Office: Henkels 3009

Whitfield, Mikhail

Adjunct Professor of TheologyEmail: mikhail.r.whitfield@avemaria.edu

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