Tuesday, February 9, 2016

If any pope or religious, uses an irrational premise and inference to interpret magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II, the conclusion has to be irrational, non traditional- and heretical.

Comment from the Vox Cantoris blog.
Mark Thomas
This is a good point.Can all of them be in heresy ? Can the magisterium be in heresy? And what is the precise heresy ?
I think in general the SSPX and conservative Catholics say that the present Church is a break with the past.Aside from the traditionalists, in the SSPX, even the traditionalists at the St.Benedict Center say Fr. leonard Feeney was de fide and the present understanding of the dogma is not traditional or correct. It is a rupture with the non-heretical teachings over the centuries before the Council of Trent.
So in a way it is not only me who is saying they are in heresy in the present times or that the present magisterium does not contradict the past magisterium.
Secondly, if any pope or religious, uses an irrational premise and inference to interpret magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II, the conclusion has to be irrational, non traditional- and heretical.
Bishop Bernard Fellay has on line interpreted Vatican Council II using the false premise and inference.You can read it on my blog.
Cardinal Walter Kaspar has done the same. I have pointed it out precisely on my blog. This is a factual error.
Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J has done the same.
So if any one makes an objective mistake in the interpretation  the result has to be heretical.
It is something obvious. It can be checked on line.
The error is there in two papers of the International Theological Commission and the traditionalists at the SSPX and SBC have not noticed it, since they make the same error.
-Lionel Andrades
Mark Thomas said...
Catholic Mission, one of the problems that I have with your notion is that just about everybody within the Church espouses supposedly "heresy". His Holiness Pope Francis, Bishop Schneider, Bishop Fellay and the SSPX, FSSP, one Cardinal, bishop, and priest after another...everybody except you and a microscopic amount of Catholics espouse heresy. Is that realistic to believe?

Even during the Arian crisis, there was a bit more than a handful of orthodox Catholics. But based upon that which I have read on your blog, not even a handful of Catholics agree with your understanding of EENS.

I realize that you insist that your understanding of EENS is simply that of the Church's. But do Pope Francis, Bishop Schneider, Bishop Fellay (and SSPX), FSSP, ICK all misunderstand the Church's teaching on EENS? Every one of them espouses heresy? Every one?

Sorry, that doesn't seem rational to me.

Even more unbelievable to me is that I read on your blog today that even "the St. Benedict Centers, the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney in the USA, they interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism."

You mean, for example, that even Saint Benedict Abbey (first Abbot Right Reverend Gabriel Gibbs, requiescat in pace, and today, Right Reverend Xavier Connelly) espouses heresy? I am very family with the Abbey and have found it uplifting and orthodox.

I hope to continue to read your posts here and on your blog. But I find it difficult to believe that from Saint Benedict Abbey to the SSPX, to the FSSP, to the ICK, to Cardinal Burke, to Bishop Schneider, to Pope Francis, that all have fallen into heresy.


Mark Thomas

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