Tuesday, February 9, 2016

No one is preaching membership in the Church is necessary for salvation even though Vatican Council II says this and this was part of the TLM ecclesiology for centuries.

Comments from Fr.Ray Blake's Blog

Future of the TLM Mass


The priests who offer the TLM are not allowed to affirm in public exlusive salvation in the Catholic Church. So the ecclesiology of the TLM today in England is not the same as in pre-Council of Trent times.

You Fr.Blake would not say that every one needs to formally enter the Church, with faith and baptism, to avoid Hell and go to Heaven, and there are no exceptions. Yet this was how St.Robert Bellarmine and numerous saints offered the TLM. Vatican Council II says it is in AG 7 and LG 14.
So when bishops like even the good Athanasius Schneider want the TLM with political correctness it is a bad example for the young people.
No one is preaching membership in the Church,as being necessary for salvation, even though Vatican Council II says this and this was part of the TLM ecclesiology for centuries.
You also, have to look after No.1.

Bishop Schneider let us know what you believe on exclusive salvation. You are a shepherd.

The basic error of the traditionalists and sedevacantists in the interpretation of Vatican Council II : the reason many have chosen sedevacantism is not being discussed

Paul Hellyer said...

Perhaps the teaching is that membership of the Catholic Church is necessary to be Certain of salvation. Whereas outside the Church salvation is uncertain. Is this how the teaching should be understood?

The doctrnal teaching with the Traditional Latin Mass before the Council of Trent was that membership in the Catholic Church is necessary to be certain of salvation, since outside the Church there is no salvation.

If any pope or religious, uses an irrational premise and inference to interpret magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II, the conclusion has to be irrational, non traditional- and heretical.

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