Friday, March 18, 2016

CDF can see 'the writing on the wall',thousands of Internet posts say the dogma EENS and Vatican Council II can be interpreted according to the old missionaries: Pope Benedict theologically contradicts them


by Bradley Eli, M.Div., MA.Th.  •  •  March 17, 2016    

The last 50 years have caused a great crisis of faith

VATICAN ( - Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is saying belief that all men are saved has crippled missionary efforts and caused many Christians to leave the Faith.
An interview of the former Pope, conducted last year, is being published today in L'Osservatore Romano. In it the former pontiff is reaffirming the dogma that there's only one true Church outside of which there is no salvation.
Lionel: I would think the CDF can see 'the writing on the wall'. There are thousands of reports on the Internet which say the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II can both be interpreted by assuming hypothetical cases are not explicit and the conclusion is traditional.
With this back ground the CDF could have called upon Pope Benedict to help.Instead of speaking the truth, seeing the reality all over the Internet which has been there for quite a few years, the pope sadly has decided to stick to the old irrationality which is the basis of the new theology.
Discounting false churches that are founded on "assembly of men who have some ideas in common," Pope Benedict says they cannot be "the guarantor of eternal life."
Lionel: Yet his theology says otherwise.All who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church. He is implying there is salvation outside the Church. There are people saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire, without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.This is the theology of Cushingism. This is Pope Benedict's theology even though there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Humanly speaking we cannot know of any exception i.e people in Heaven without the baptism of water.
So it was on this false speculation (seeing people in Heaven )  that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 was issued. Then this irrational reasoning was transferred to Vatican Council II.
We are not limited to this reasoning. All non-hypothetical cases for Pope Benedict mentioned in Vatican Council (LG 16 etc) are just hypothetical for me. So there is nothing in the Council to contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the missionaries.
Contrasting self-created institutions with the Catholic Church, Benedict clarifies, "The Church is not self-made; She was created by God, and She is continuously formed by Him."
He refutes the modern notion that all men are saved, commenting that men of today have "the sense that God cannot let most of humanity be damned."
Lionel: Yet this is what Vatican Council II suggests if you do not use Pope Benedict's irrationality. God can let most of humanity be damned.This was the teaching for centuries. It is there in Vatican Council II interpreted with Feeneyism.
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Pope Emeritus notes that starting in "the second half of the last century," mankind believed "God cannot let go to perdition all the unbaptized" or even let them go to a place of "purely natural happiness," which the Church calls Limbo.
Lionel: This was Pope Benedict's speculation since he believed there was salvation outside the Church.It was reasoned by the CDF that if one person could be saved outside the Church then why not all babies.
While the liberals say if one adult can be saved outside the Church then why not most adults.Bishop Barron says....This is all based on Pope Benedict's rejection of traditional Feeneyism as a theology.
Benedict contrasts the zeal of "the great missionaries of the 16th century" who "were still convinced that those who are not baptized are forever lost" with the lackluster missionary efforts after the Second Vatican Council, when "that conviction was finally abandoned" by many.
Lionel: Yes "that conviction was finally abandoned" by many,since the Letter(1949)  suggested that a person could be saved in invincible ignorance and this case would be known to us human beings. So there was salvation outside the Church. Vatican Council II (LG 14) then repeats this error.It states those who know about  Jesus and the Church need to convert into the Church formally ( instead of all).In other words only those who are not in invincible ignorance need to convert. This is the ir-reasoning approved by Pope Benedict.
He could have simply said  LG 14 refers to a hypothetical case. We do not know in 2016 who is in invincible ignorance and will be saved or not saved. So LG 14 is irrelevant to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the Jesuit missionaries.
In 1949 the Jesuits along with the magisterium in Rome gave up traditional Feeneyism and accepted an innovation. Even Archbishop Lefebvre and the traditionalists approved it.Until today the pro-SSPX bloggers are not aware of the error and are actually praising Pope Benedict for this interview!!!
The former pontiff affirms that the lost conviction that the Church is necessary for salvation causes "a deep double crisis."
Lionel: CMTV is unaware of the crisis caused by Pope Benedict by not telling Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX that they could interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.He was the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and wanted Archbishop Lefebvre to accept Vatican Council II with Cushingism.
"On the one hand this seems to remove any motivation for a future missionary commitment," he says. "Why should one try to convince the people to accept the Christian faith when they can be saved even without it?”
Lionel: If the CMTV staff interprets Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus without an irrationality, as does Pope Benedict, then there would be no known salvation outside the Church.We can invite people into the Church by telling them about the dogmatic teaching and that no one in 2016 knows of any exception. No one in the past could have also known of any case of salvation outside the Church.
Benedict also notes that many Catholics were scandalized by this presumption into leaving the Church, explaining, "If there are those who can save themselves in other ways, it is not clear, in the final analysis, why the Christian himself is bound by the requirements of the Christian faith and its morals."
He then attacks the faulty attempts to "reconcile the universal necessity of the Christian faith with the opportunity to save oneself without it."
After dismissing Karl Rahner's mistaken notion that most men are saved as anonymous Christians,
Lionel: The new theology supports Fr.Rahner's mistaken notion on 'the anonymous Christian', since it says all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church. It implies there is salvation outside the Church and that a non Christian could be saved in his religion through Jesus and the Church. Even if this happened how is it relevant or an exception to the dogma on exclusive salvation? There is no known case of an anonymous Christian in Heaven.
 Benedict turns to another popular theory. "Even less acceptable is the solution proposed by the pluralistic theories of religion, for which all religions, each in their own way, would be ways of salvation, and in this sense, in their effects must be considered equivalent."
Lionel: In one of the papers of the International Theological Commission of the Vatican,  Pope Benedict approved ' a theology of religions'. This was based on  there being known salvation outside the Church.
If we have to observe that Pope Benedict is not saying all non Catholics in 2016 need to convert into the Church to avoid Hell. He has only mentioned the dogma.
He says there is 'a development of the dogma'. So he is unable to affirm traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Nor is he asking the SSPX or the Franciscans of the Immaculate to affirm the dogma like the early missionaries who did not use an irrationality to create a 'development'.
So today we cannot have Pope Benedict or Bishop Athanasius Schneider saying all Jews and Muslims with no exception need to formally convert into the Church, with faith and baptism, according to Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14) or, according to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. I can say it. Since I know that physically there are no exceptions visible to me. 
In saying all this, Pope Emeritus Benedict is affirming the constant teaching that the Catholic Church is the only true Church and is absolutely necessary for salvation.
Lionel : On the contrary! He is denying it theologically for a discerning Catholic. He is denying the constant teaching that the Catholic Church is the only true Church and is absolutely necessary for salvation.
-Lionel Andrades

Pope Benedict uses irrational Cushingism as a theology to interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus : he was unaware of the choice

Pope Francis, Pope Benedict and Cardinal Muller use an irrational theology to interpret Vatican Council II and so reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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