Friday, March 18, 2016

Pope Benedict uses irrational Cushingism as a theology to interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus : he was unaware of the choice

From the blog The Eponymous Flower

Pope Benedict Breaks Silence and Affirms the Thrice Defined, Infallible Dogma, No Salvation Outside of the Catholic Church
False. He has denied it here. He has interpreted the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.If he uses Feeneyism as a theology ( there are no known exceptions to EENs, past or present), then he would be affirming the thrice defined dogma.He would also be saying that Vatican Council II is in harmony with EENS and all Jews, Muslims, Protestants and Orthodox Christians need to formally convert into the Catholic Church for salvation. He would also be saying that there are no known cases in the present times, of non Catholics saved, who did not know about Jesus and the Church; who were in invincible ignorance, and did not convert (Lumen Gentium 14).So LG 14 is not a new doctrine it does not contradict the 'rigorist' interpretation of EENS.Neither does it contradict Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) when it says 'all' need 'faith and baptism' for salvation.

"Council Cast Church and Faithful into a Double Crisis" - Interview of Benedict XVI
Lionel : The contemporary magisterium did not use Feeneyism as a theology to intepret Vatican Council II and the dogma EENS. It has assumed hypothetical cases are objective exceptions to the need for all to be baptised with water for salvation.It accepted this error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.Based on this inter-office letter,  from one bishop to another, it discarded a dogma defined by three Church Councils. Fr.Karl Rahner S.J,. placed this Letter with an objective error in the Denzinger. Pope Benedict references it in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
This was the crisis.
(Rome) Pope Benedict XVI. has broken his silence that he undertook in connection with his unexpected resignation. Since 2013 he has lived in retirement in the convent, Mater Ecclesiae in the Vatican. Now has given Avvenire, the daily newspaper of the Italian Bishops' Conference a long interview, which was published in today's issue.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus has become an issue. It is discovered that Vatican Council II interpreted with the theology of Feeneyism does not have ' a hermeneutic of rupture'.There has been no denial from the CDF or Ecclesia Dei.
"Let us allow ourselves to be formed by Christ," is the title of a spiritual interview which addresses faith and theology. It does not involve daily affairs and church politics.
Lionel: He means faith and theology based on belief in Christ and excludes the necessity of membership in the Church for salvation.For Pope Benedict there are people in Heaven saved without the baptism of water in the Church. For him someone in the present times or in the past, actually saw people in Heaven without the baptism of water. He has not mentioned who this gifted person was who could see the dead, who are now in Heaven without 'faith and baptism'.This was the reasoning of the Letter (1949) and the Baltimore Catechism which he has approved unconditionally.In exchange he rejected the  Athanasius Creed ( outside the Church there is no salvation) and changed the Nicene Creed to 'I believe in three or more known baptisms without the baptism of water . We know for a fact that the baptism of desire cannot be seen or known in personal cases. It cannot be administered like the baptism of water. It does not exist in our reality.
The interview was conducted by the Belgian Jesuit, Jacques Servais, director of the Casa Balthasar in Rome. Father Servais was under Cardinal Ratzinger from 1985-1990 an official in the CDF and from 1993-1996, the professor of dogmatic theology at the Institute of John Paul II. in Rome. He has published works on Cardinal Newman, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr.

"Without being bound by salvation even the faith is baseless"

The central question of the interview is: "What is the faith and how does one come to believe?"
Emeritus Benedict XVI. spoke to the Church crisis in the interview:
"The missionaries of the 16th century were convinced that the unbaptized were lost forever. After the Council this conviction was abandoned. This resulted in a deep crisis. Without being bound to salvation the faith is baseless."
Lionel: The fault is not  there with Vatican Council II.For me Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14) says the unbaptised are lost forever. Since they will die without 'faith and baptism'.The majority of people are oriented to Hell since they die without Catholic Faith. This is Vatican Council II.
On the anthropological aspect of man, technology and love:
"People expect in their hearts that the Good Samaritan comes to their aid. In the hardness of the technological world in which feelings count for nothing, the expectation increases of a saving love that is unselfishly bestowed."
For increasing importance of charity:
"It is a sign of the times that the idea of ​​mercy coming from Sister Faustina becomes ever more central and more dominant."
Lionel: Sister Faustina Kowalski held the strict interpretation of the dogma EENs. Jesus teaches the  traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS. It is there  in the Diary of St.Faustina Kowalski.She prayed that non Catholic Christians  be saved from the fires of Hell. This was Jesus asking her to pray for heretics ( Protestants) and schismatics ( Orthodox Christians).
God's Mercy she says is available now,while we  live. After we die all will have to face  God's Justice.God's Mercy includes the  opportunity for non Catholics to formally convert into the  Church before they die. There are no known exceptions.
Father Servais asked Benedict XVI. about the justification dispute of Martin Luther and the struggle of St. Francis de Sales, who had followed in the wake of the Apostle Paul for the pastoral care of as many "infidels" as possible against the "terrible fate being eternally lost." Benedict XVI. proceeds in his reply in detail on the "development of this dogma" Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, because since the beginning of modern times, the historical perspectives with respect to the Middle Ages had changed "radically".
Lionel: There is a 'development' based on the use of an irrational inference.Hypothetical cases (LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc) are interpreted as being objectively seen and known in the present times. This is the false premise.Then since it is inferred that these cases are physically seen and known, who have been saved without the baptism of water,so all do not need to enter the Church.It is wrongly concluded that not every one needs to formally enter the Church; not every one needs to by formally baptised with  water.
This is the irrational reasoning at the basis of the alleged 'development'.

By giving the up the Church's necessity for salvation, the Council sparked a "double crisis"

"Double crisis" of Church and Faith

Thus, with the fact that the Second Vatican Council has "definitely" abandoned the belief that there is no salvation for unbaptized, the Church and the faith had fallen into a "double crisis".
Lionel:  The Second Vatican Council II when interpreted with Feeneyism ( no known exceptions to the dogma EENS in 2016, no visible cases of the baptism of desire without the baptism of water) supports the old teaching which says there is no salvation for the unbaptised. Any one can confirm this. Check it out. Look at LG 16 ( being saved in invincible ignorance) and see it as  an invisible case.Then ask yourself how can a possibility, what is theoretical and hypothetical for us humans, be a concrete exception in 2016, to all needing to formally and physically enter the Church with the baptism of water?
"On the one hand it seems to withdraw any motivation a future missionary commitment. Why convince people of accepting the Christian faith, even if they can be saved without it?
Lionel: There is no known salvation outside the Church. No one in the past could have physically seen someone in Heaven without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.

But for Christians, the question on the necessity of faith and manner of life was uncertain and problematic. If there are those who can be saved in other ways, it is ultimately not evident why the Christian should be linked to the need of the Christian faith and its morals. But if the faith and salvation are not dependent on each other, the faith is also groundless.
Lionel: There was no known salvation outside the Church in Boston in 1949. So there was no known exception to the dogma EENS as it was interpreted traditionally by Fr.Leonard Feeney and the St.Benedict Center.
Recently, various attempts have been made ​​to bring to reconciliation the universal need of the Christian faith with the opportunity to save oneself without them."

Rahner's "anonymous Christian" and the "superficiality" of pluralistic theories of religion are not solutions

Lionel: However Pope Benedict XVI has accepted pluralistic theories of religion based on the theology of Cushingism ( there is known salvation outside the Church).He also approved it one paper of the International Theological Commission, ' a theology of religions'.
Benedict XVI. then addresses two of these "attempts", including the thesis of Karl Rahner's "anonymous Christian", in the being of Christ is synonymous with humanity. "It is true that this hypothesis is intriguing," but it excludes "the drama of change and renewal, which is central for Christianity."
Lionel : Pope Benedict theologically  approved Rahner's 'anonymous Christian', with the new theology. He says all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church. He means a non Catholic can be saved in his religion and he would be saved by Jesus.This can be seen in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846).
"Even less acceptable is the solution proposed by the pluralistic religious theories for all religions, each in their own way, are ways of salvation and to be considered in this sense, in their effects, as equivalent. The religious criticism, the way it is practiced on the Old Testament and of the primordial church, is much more realistic, concrete and true in its examination of the various religions." The pluralistic religious theories are "superficial" and "is not appropriate to the size of the question."
Lionel: A theology of religious pluralism is heresy. It rejects the Nicene Creed in which we pray ' I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins'. We do not know of any case of the baptism of desire or blood, without the baptism of water.This is all speculation.
Finally, Benedict XVI names a third solution proposed, that of Henri de Lubac, "and some other theologians" who had placed their emphasis on the standing substitute that vicarious substitution.
Lionel :These theologians are examples of modern day heresy. This had been accepted by Pope Benedict.It became 'magisterial heresy'.
So that it may be that "the problem is not solved completely." But it would involve a "material intuition", where it is total but "clear", "that we must think about the whole issue."
Lionel: 'Material intuition'? One has to have the insight into irrational Cushingism and traditional Feeneyism and then all is clear.
-Lionel Andrades

Pope Francis, Pope Benedict and Cardinal Muller use an irrational theology to interpret Vatican Council II and so reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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