Monday, April 18, 2016

Father Mathias Guadron, SSPX has got it right : there are no known exceptions to the traditional moral teachings.The new moral theology is based on an irrationality

Comments from the blog post 1Peter5 : SSPX: Amoris Laetitia a “Victory of Subjectivism”


Father Mathias Guadron has got it right : there are no known exceptions to the traditional moral teachings.The new moral theology is based on an irrationality
Father Mathias Gaudron:
However, the text continues: “It [the papal document]has opened a breech which puts into question the whole of Catholic morality.”
He is saying that doctrine has changed based on the new moral and salvation theology approved by Pope Benedict and which is being taught in the pontifical universities and
seminaries for a long time.2

it is still forbidden for those to receive absolution and Holy Communion who live in cohabitation or who are simply united by a new civil marriage, but … now there are exceptions!
When there are conditions for mortal sin and there are exceptions to knowing or judging mortal sin, it is implied that there are known exceptions to the tradtional doctrine on mortal sin.1
AL is the official approval of the new moral theologybased on hypothetical cases being objectively known exceptions, and the exceptions making the new rule.It supports the errors of Fr. Charles Curran and his moral theology professor Bernard Haring, at the pontifical university Alphonsonianum in Rome.2

One has now to regard the general norms in the face of “all the different particular situations.” 
For Pope Francis and Cardinal Schonborn the change was not made 'out of the blue'.They used theology to do it.Theology based on a philosophical error.1

No one, Gaudron reminds us, can dissolve a validly contracted and consummated sacramental marriage – “not even the pope.”
Cardinal Schonborn accepts the new theology.For him there are known exceptions to the traditional teachings on morals and faith.So this is the doctrine of the Church for him.
He means this is the doctrine of the contemporary magisterium.
The reasoning of this theology is irrational and heretical but it is official.
It is a break with the moral theology of the centuries before the Council of Trent.They did not assume that there were known exceptions, people seen in Heaven, who were there in mortal sin(moral theology) or who were not members of the Catholic Church (new salvation theology). 2

And he continues: “These laws do not know or allow any exception and they are valid independent of the circumstances.”
An exception would have to be known to be an exception It has always been taught, according to the SSPX priest, that “the moral range of an action contains therefore something objective and does not finally depend only [or at all]upon the circumstances or the intention of the subject.”
It means not only God can judge who is living in mortal sin and will NOT go to Hell but also of us human beings.1

Whatever the circumstances or the intentions, to kill an innocent person deliberately “is always an evil deed,” says Father Gaudron. Applied to a situation of adultery, the priest says: “One might well have a certain understanding for a woman who is engaged in a new relationship because of the infidelity or the hardness of heart of her husband, and one could admit that, in such a case, the fault is less grave, but nevertheless adultery remains an evil act in itself.”
In the new moral theology, the view is, it cannot always be said that a couple is living in mortal sin even though it seems manifest.Since that couple could be one of the many 'exceptions' and we humans can judge the exceptions.We know who will not go to Hell.2

But if there is a couple who, in their subjective understanding, believes that what they are doing pleases God, Gaudron says, “their conduct still objectively contradicts the Will of God.”
The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) has been rejected. So now when a Catholic marries a Jew or Protestant it is not considered adultery and a mortal sin.Since there is salvation outside the Church ( new salvation theology/Cushingism) and there are known exceptions to mortal sin ( the couple could be an exception for various hypothetical reasons).2.

The pope says, according to Gaudron, that one is allowed to live in the state of Grace while living in “an objective situation of sin.” In footnote 351, the pope proposes even the “help of the sacraments” in “certain cases,” as the priest then says.
He means there is no break with the moral theology based on an irrationality (the new moral theology).He assumes we humans can know of Catholics living in manifest mortal sin, but who will not go to Hell.Or he assumes that we can know of people who were living in mortal sin and who are now known to be in Heaven.2

Father Gaudron concludes: “In this allowance, the pope distances himself from Catholic moral teaching” 
Pope Francis could mean that there are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on mortal sin.Last month Pope Benedict announced via Avvenire that there are known exceptions in Vatican Council II to the 16th century interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
So the new moral theology is that the conditions for mortal sin mentioned in the Catechism edited by Cardinal Ratzinger and Schonborn, refer not to hypothetical cases,known only to God ,but to defacto, objectively known cases which can be identified by us humans.2
-Lionel Andrades

Pope Francis is referring to Cardinal Schonborn as a theologian.So theology is important for him.This issue is theological

Amoris Laetitia is the official approval of the new moral theology based on hypothetical cases being objectively known exceptions and exceptions make the rule : it supports the errors of Fr.Charles Curran


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