Tuesday, April 19, 2016

This reasoning is irrational however it is being used in the new theology on faith and morals.This is the moral theology of Pope Francis.

Image courtesy of the Benedictines of Norcia

THE HOLY innocence were saved without" faith and or baptism

The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus says all need the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. All with no exceptions. Vatican Council II also says all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7, LG 14).So if some one died without faith and baptism in the past, it would not be a known exception to the dogma EENS in 2016.
It would not be relevant to the dogma EENS in 2016. Since,for there to be an exception to EENs, that is for there to be somebody who is saved without faith and baptism, this person would have to be known. An invisible case cannot be an exception. Someone in the past who allegedly died as a saint in the Catholic Church,without the baptism of water, cannot be an exception to the dogma EENS in 2016.
Similarly the Holy Innocents or the prophets Abraham and Moses who died before the birth of Jesus cannot be an exception to the dogma EENS.
This was the mistake they made in the Baltimore Catechism.1 They assumed that we know of that famous catechumen who desired the baptism of water but who died before receiving it.This was a theoretical case. No one in Baltimore could know of any such case.But they made it relevant to all needing the baptism of water.They postulated that it was a known case and so it was an exception to the dogma EENS. So there is a baptism of desire and this baptism of desire is similar to the baptism of water in its appearance and effects, for them.This was false.Since there is no known case of the baptism of desire.
Similarly in moral theology, they assume there are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on mortal sins.Then they suppose that these theoretical cases are known in real life. Then it is assumed that there are known exceptions to mortal sins. Since there are known exceptions, it is said that we cannot always say a mortal sin is a mortal sin in practical cases.
But how can we know all this as human beings? How can we say that a particular couple living in mortal sin will not go to Hell but will go to Heaved? How can we read the mind and heart of someone to say that he or she is an exception?
Yet this is the new moral theology and it has been used in Amoris Laetitia. Just as you suggest that the Holy Innocents are exceptions to the dogma EENS, something that happened in the past, is a known exception in the present times to the dogma EENS, they say that if there was only one case of a couple living in mortal sin, in the past who is now in Heaven, it means there are exceptions to the general rule on mortal sin.This is irrational.
Here is the pattern:
1.First they assume there are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on faith and mortals, when in reality, this can only be known to God.
2.Then they postulate that these theoretical cases,possibilities only known to God, are defacto exceptions in the present times to traditional moral theology. For them it is something that we can judge with our reasoning.So no more can be it said authoritatively that someone is in mortal sin as it was done in past centuries.
So Number 301 in Amoris Laetitia says that we cannot always say that a person is in mortal sin.
Let me give you an another example, when Cardinal Donald Wuerl would allow the U.S Catholic politician Nancy Pelosi, who supports abortion, to receive the Eucharist, he was asked if he believed in mortal sin.He answered in the affirmative.
According to the new moral theology, theoretically , he could affirm mortal sin and its conditions - but in practise he could not judge if Pelosi or some one else was in mortal sin.Subjective or social factors are considered known exceptions.They are then considered known exceptions in general to traditional mortal sin.This is the philosphical reasoning in Catholic seminaries. This is the new moral theology taught at Catholic universities.
This reasoning is irrational however it is being used in the new theology on faith and morals.This is the moral theology of Pope Francis.
-Lionel Andrades

Q. 650. What is Baptism of desire?

A. Baptism of desire is an ardent wish to receive Baptism, and to do all that God has ordained for our salvation.
Lionel: Fine as a theoretical possibility.But why is it mentioned in this section of the Catechism? Were these cases known to someone in Baltimore?
No it was not possible!

Q. 651. What is Baptism of blood?

A. Baptism of blood is the shedding of one's blood for the faith of Christ.

Q. 652. What is the baptism of blood most commonly called?

A. The baptism of blood is most commonly called martyrdom, and those who receive it are called martyrs. It is the death one patiently suffers from the enemies of our religion, rather than give up Catholic faith or virtue. We must not seek martyrdom, though we must endure it when it comes.
Lionel: O.K the baptism of blood is a new name for martyrdom. It is being suggested here that it happens without the baptism of water.But how could someone know of a particular case saved as such? How could someone say that the baptism of blood was an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus? No human being could have physically seen any such case in Heaven.No could personally know of any such case.

Q. 653. Is Baptism of desire or of blood sufficient to produce the effects of Baptism of water?

A. Baptism of desire or of blood is sufficient to produce the effects of the Baptism of water, if it is impossible to receive the Baptism of water.
Lionel: This is theoretical speculation.
Yet in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr.Leonard Feeney, these cases are considered exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. For them to be exceptions they would have to be explicit, seen in the flesh.Invisible cases could not be exceptions to the centuries -old interpretation of the dogma EENS.
So there was a factual mistake made in the Letter of the Holy Office and the seeds of the error were there in the Baltimore Catechism.
So now we have 'a development of doctrine' according to Pope Benedict according to the recent interview in Avvenire, before the Synod Exhortation was announced.Hypothetical cases mentioned in Vatican Council II (LG 16 etc) are explicit for Pope Benedict. So they are known exception to the dogma EENS, as interpreted by the 16th century missionaries.
This is heresy based on an irrationality.

Q. 654. How do we know that the baptism of desire or of blood will save us when it is impossible to receive the baptism of water?

A. We know that baptism of desire or of blood will save us when it is impossible to receive the baptism of water, from Holy Scripture, which teaches that love of God and perfect contrition can secure the remission of sins ; and also that Our Lord promises salvation to those who lay down their life for His sake or for His teaching.
Lionel: 'which teaches that love of God and perfect contrition can secure the remission of sins', yes theoretically but practically we cannot know of any such case.
'Our Lord promises salvation to those who lay down their life for His sake or for His teaching.'
Yes, theoretically, practically we cannot know of any such case which is an explicit exception to the dogma EENS.-L.A http://www.baltimore-catechism.com/lesson14.htm 

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