Tuesday, April 19, 2016

If I was there at Cardinal Schonborn's Press Conference

At the Press Conference  for Amoris Laetitia Cardinal Schonborn speaking in Italian, referred to 1) the hermeneutic of continuity of Pope Benedict and 2) the development of doctrine.
Since I am aware of the false premise he uses in his new moral theology, I could see the deception in what he said.
The reporters there, judging from their questions, realized that there was a discontinuity with past moral theology.There was a contradiction with Veritatis Splendor.Cardinal Schonborn admitted that there was an innovation.But the journalists could not pin down the exact flaw in the new moral theology.So there were no questions on this point.
If I was there I would have asked the following questions:
1.Your Eminence in the new moral theology, which is part of Amoris Laetitia you have assumed that we humans can judge when a Catholic couple living in adultery ( concubinage) will not go to Hell, if they die immediately?
So for you there are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on mortal sin?
2.So if a Catholic priest assumes we cannot know of any case of a couple living in mortal sin,who would be an exception, who would not go to Hell,this would be the end of the new moral theology? It would not apply any more?

1.Since in the new moral theology it is assumed that there are known exceptions, to Catholics living in mortal sin( concubinage, adultery) there is a hermeneutic of rupture with the traditional teaching on mortal sin, which did not mention any personally known exceptions?

1.Since there are known exceptions to traditional mortal sin there is a development of doctrine on mortal sin.You theoretically accept mortal sin but in practise you cannot always judge  any case, because of subjective factors, known to you, which are always known exceptions, to saying someone in particular is in mortal sin?
2.So if you did not assume that there were 'subjectively visible exceptions', i.e you could see through the mind and heart of someone,as if you were God, then there would not be known-to-you-exceptions of mortal sin?

3.So Amoris Laetitia (301)  is based on you and others personally knowing exceptions to the traditional teaching on mortal sin?
-Lionel Andrades

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