Friday, April 22, 2016

The new theology was used to justify liberal dispensations and annulments.This is the practical 'exceptions factory' that we all know of: Amoris Laetitia officially approves this

Situation Ethics is used in churning out annulments and dispensations.All these years marriages were officially broken by the Church. Catholics were allowed to live in adultery in an inter-faith marriage and also receive the Eucharist.It was assumed that there could be some hypothetical reason for separating a Catholic marriage.
The blog owner at Vox Cantoris has received an annulment of his first marriage and has married a second time. What about the feelings of the first wife? I don't know.He criticizes the Novus Ordo Mass but he 'recognises' the annulment of his marriage given at a Novus Ordo parish.
Now Amoris Laetitia is saying recognise the right of a divorced and remarried Catholic, who is living in mortal sin, to also have his situation regularised.
Similarly the blog owner at AKA Catholic criticizes the Novus Ordo Mass. But he accepts the dispensation he received at a Novus Ordo Mass to marry a non Catholic.He does not consider himself presently living in adultery.The bishop who gave him the dispensation of course did not believe in the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( EENS).He is allowed to receive the Eucharist.
Just as bishops apply situation ethics to  morals they also apply it to faith issues. The bishops assume there are some situations when the baptism of desire and blood happen without the baptism of water and they are in known situation in our reality. This is irrational but this what they believe. This was also the position of Cardinal Raymond Burke when he was the Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal in Rome.So this reasoning gives all of them a chance to reject the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS.This is the situation  ethics in faith and salvation theology.
Since there is a rejection of the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS, because of hypothetical cases being exceptions,in hypothetical situations, the bishops with the approval of the pope, allow Catholics to marry Jews and Muslims and do not consider the couples as being in mortal sin.
So we have Amoris Laeititia saying a mortal sin is not aways a mortal sin(301).It is officially acknowledging what has been the practise 'on the ground' for so many years all over the world.
The new theology was used to justify liberal dispensations and annulments.This is the practical 'exceptions factory' that we all know of.
-Lionel Andrades

This is all accepted by Fr.John Zuhlsdorf, Cardinal Raymond Burke and Joseph Shaw. They offer/ attend the Traditional Latin Mass with this official heresy

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Fr.John Zuhlsdorf does not believe in the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus : advice on interfaith marriages


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