Thursday, June 9, 2016

I affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) in agreement with Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14). EENS and Vatican Council II say all need to formally enter the Church for salvation ( with faith and baptism ).There are no exceptions

From the blog The Eponymous Flower: Vatican Excommunicates Members of the "Bambinello of Gallinaro"Community
Michael Bonici:
 Lionel makes the category error of believing that his corrupt Neo-Scholastic syllogism actually has something to do with God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the entire Mysterium Fidei.
Lionel:I affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).I then affirm it in agreement with Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14). I say that EENS and Vatican Council II say all need to formally enter the Church for salvation ( with faith and baptism ).There are no exceptions. This is the general rule, this is the de fide teaching.

Then I say that I personally I do not know of any one saved with the baptism of desire or blood, with or without the baptism of water. So there are no known exceptions to the dogma for me in 2016.

The baptism of desire is a hypothetical case. For it to be an exception or relevant to EENS it would have to be explicit. Zero cases of something are not exceptions to EENS says the apologist John Martignoni.

So the bottom line is that there is no known salvation outside the Church for me. I cannot meet someone saved without the baptism of water.This is physically impossible and so no one in the past could also have known of a case of someone saved outside the Church.

So this is my basic position. It is traditional with no irrational theology.

I at least know my Catholic Faith and can give an account of it on the issue of salvation.Tancred, instead when asked, indicates he has to confirm his position with Brother Andre Marie MICM,Prior, St. Benedict Center, N.H, USA.

My Approach

SSPX in its theological and philosophical formation is using the false premise and conclusion which is the basis of the new theology
-Lionel Andrades

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