Thursday, June 9, 2016

Once we avoid this irrationality, we are back to traditional theology.

From the blog The Eponymous  Flower::Vatican Excommunicates Members of the "Bambinello of Gallinaro"Community
Michael Bonnici:
Lionel's trust in the corrupt Neo-Scholasticism which underpins and validates to his satisfaction the 'reasoning' which supports views on Baptism has led him into heterodoxy.
Lionel:Be specific please.
I am saying that hypothetical cases are not explicit.Period.
So we cannot reject the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas for example, on exclusive salvation in the Church,by claiming there is known salvation outside the Church.We cannot reject orthodoxy on the salvation-issue by assuming hypothetical cases are explicit exceptions to Aquinas' traditional understanding of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Once we avoid this irrationality, we are back to traditional theology.

What on earth has corrupt Neo-Scholasticism...Lionel:
Corrupt new Scholasticism refers to liberal theologians interpreting the baptism of desire and blood as refering to explicit cases. So they postulate that there are exceptions to the St. Thomas Aquinas' understanding of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.In other words the man in the forest, in invincible ignorance, refers to a known case in the present times, objectively visible, seen in the flesh and so he is an explicit exception to Thomaism on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and all needing to be formal members of the Church to avoid the fires of Hell.-Lionel Andrades

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