Sunday, July 31, 2016

Double speak from Signatories: Appeal to Cardinals

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Appeal to Cardinals Text and Signatories revealed - Press Release from group spokesman

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Appeal to Cardinals: text revealed

In light of the appearance of the signatories and the text of the Appeal to the Cardinals online, the organisers of the appeal are issuing a press release, below, for immediate release.

The appeal and its covering letter can conveniently 
be seen here.

I will be continuing to act as spokesman for the group, 
and will be happy to answer questions.

Dr Joseph Shaw

Press release – Publication of theological critique
 and accompanying letter sent to the cardinals
 and patriarchs

The National Catholic Reporter of Kansas City, Missouri,
 recently published, without authorisation, the names of the 
signatories of a letter to the College of Cardinals and Eastern
 Patriarchs; equally without authorisation, The Australian,
 an Australia-based newspaper, has recently published the
 full text of the letter and the accompanying document. 
The latter is a theological critique of the apostolic 
exhortation Amoris laetitia, and requested that the 
cardinals and patriarchs petition Pope Francis to 
definitively and finally condemn certain propositions.
 In order to protect the signatories and the critique 
from misrepresentation, the organisers of these
 documents wish to offer some further comment 
and explanation of them.

Lionel: As mentioned in this blog Eucharist 
and Mission the signatories of this appeal
 oppose the philosophical subjectivism 
in the moral theology of  Amoris Laeitita 
besides other errors, yet use a
 philosophical subjectivism in 
interpreting salvation theology.

Secondly in salvation theology they
 contradict the Principle of Non 
Contradiction when they state every 
one needs to enter the Church but 
some do not. They are faithful to
 the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus 
(which says all need to enter the 
Church) and they are also faithful 
to dissent and irrationality.The 
irrationality suggests  the baptism of 
desire etc refer to explicit cases in
 2016 and they are personally known 
exceptions to the dogma EENS. 
They would have to be personally
 known to be exceptions
 even though these cases are 
theoretically in Heaven and are 
known only to God.

3)The signatories to this appeal
 maintain this irrational theology 
and are now ( correctly) calling attention
 to the non traditional theology and
 subjectivism in Amoris Laetitia.

4) For personal reasons and interests
 they do not want to make the 
correction in salvation theology and 
now for personal reasons they are not
 saying that the pope is in heresy,
 but are only conceding that the 
contents of Amoris Laetitia is heretical.

This is all double standards and 


As explained in previous statements, the organisers
 did not make these documents public, since they 
are addressed to the Cardinals and Patriarchs,
 who would ideally have been allowed to consider
 them without the distraction of public controversy 
over the documents.

The critique is the work of a number of Catholic
 scholars who were concerned that Catholics
 might understand some passages of Amoris 
laetitia as contradicting the doctrine of the
 Catholic faith. The remedy for this danger is an
 authoritative and final statement by the 
Supreme Pontiff stating that these understandings
 cannot be held by Catholics, and that Amoris 
laetitia does not present them as magisterial
 teachings or require that they be believed. 
The college of cardinals has the function of 
advising the Pope. The patriarchs of the Eastern 
Catholic churches also have the right and 
responsibility to advise the Supreme Pontiff
 on this matter in virtue of the importance of
 their office. Accordingly a document was 
drafted setting forth the gravest dangers of 
the text of Amoris laetitia and sent to the 
cardinals and patriarchs, along with a letter 
requesting them to petition the Pope 
to condemn the errors at issue.

Lionel: Over a few years I have
 been appealing to Dr. Joseph
 Shaw 1, Fr.Brian Harrison, John
 Lament and others to condemn
 the errors in the new Catholic 
salvation  theology which  is 
magisterial heresy.
It is accepted  by them
 and other Catholic
 traditionalists.There never
 has been a response.

The dangers to the faith found in passages of 
Amoris laetitia, in light of the ways they can be
 understood, are indicated by the application
 of theological censures. Theological censures 
are terms that identify the precise character 
of a threat to faith and morals that is found in 
an assertion. 


What about the theological
 censures in the new theology,
 the new ecclesiology, the 
new salvation theology which
 is responsible for the hermeneutic
 of rupture in the interpretation 
of Vatican Council II and other 
magisterial documents?


The various censures used in the document
 refer either to the gravity of the error found in
 a statement, or to the harmful effects that are
 liable to result from it.

Lionel: Is it normal to assume
 hypothetical cases are not
 hypothetical and then to
 build  a whole new irrational
 and non traditional theology 
upon it ? How can the baptism
 of desire and being saved in 
invincible ignorance be an 
exception or relevant to the
 Feeneyite interpretation
 of the dogma extra ecclesiam
 nulla salus unless we are
 dealing with objective cases 
of the baptism of desire 
etc ? This is the theology 
accepted by Dr.Joseph Shaw,
 Fr.Brian Harrison, John Lamont 
and other signatories of the appeal.


 The censures in the critique are purely doctrinal 
and not juridical in nature, as the signatories do 
not claim or possess the authority necessary to
 impose juridical censures.
Lionel: Where is the critiique
 when the Cardinal Archbishop 
of Westminister and the 
Bishops Conference of England 
and Wales on their website 
consider 'seeds of the Word'(AG 11)
 as not being a hypothetical 
case? For them 'AG 11, LG 16 etc 
 is an exceptions to the strict 
interpretation of the dogma
 extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Image result for photo of Gavin D'costa
What about the University 
of Bristol's Prof. Gavin D'costa
 considering ' a ray of that 
truth which enlightens'(NA 2)
 as being an exception to the
 traditional ecclesiology on 
other religions? Where are 
these cases personally known
 in England for them to be
exceptions? Yet there is no
 critique of the University 
of Bristol video.

 They do not question the personal faith of Pope
 Francis or claim that he assents to the propositions
Lionel: The pope also rejects
the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla 
salus and the old ecclesiology.
This changes the Nicene Creed.
This too is first class heresy.
The pope has approved Amoris
 Laetitia.In Poland he has 
announced that some bishops 
in other countries may choose
 to give the Eucharist to the
 divorced and remarried.

 This is shown by the purpose of the document,
 which is to obtain a condemnation of these
 propositions by the Pope. The censures are 
intended to advise the cardinals and patriarchs,
 and their authority comes from the Scriptural 
and magisterial texts that are cited to justify 
them. Censures of this kind may be assigned 
by any person in the Church who has the 
knowledge, role, and mission needed to 
teach concerning questions of faith and morals.
Lionel: Salvation theology
 has been changed officially.
This is a faith issue.

The censures and the references given to 
justify them are based on the Catholic 
understanding of faith and divine revelation.

Lionel: The signatories
 understanding of 
Catholic faith is that there are
 physically known cases of the
 baptism of desire etc in 2016.
So these 'personally known
 cases' are an exception to 
the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla
 salus as it was known
 to the 16th century missionaries.

This was confirmed by Pope
 Benedict XVI in the Avvenire 
interview. He said that the dogma
 extra ecclesiam nulla salus was
 no more like it was known to the
 16th century missionaries.
There was development with
 Vatican Council II. 
Explicit- for- us LG 16  and 
seen in the flesh cases of LG 8 
and personally known cases
 mentioned in LG 14 were
 a development, with reference 
to exclusive salvation in the
 Church. Upon this new 
development is based the
 Rahner-Ratzinger new theology.

This is Catholic faith, Catholic
 salvation theology for the 


 According to this understanding, if a statement 
is proposed by the Church as requiring the assent
 of faith (the most authoritative level of teaching),
 that statement is not a human interpretation of 
a divine act or teaching, but is a statement made
 by God Himself.

Lionel: The Holy Spirit teaches 
that hypothetical cases (LG 16
 etc) are personally known in
 2016 to be relevant to the 
dogma extra ecclesiam nulla 
salus as it was known over 

The Holy Spirit teaches that 
the baptism of desire and being
 saved in invincible ignorance 
are exceptions to the Feeneyite
 interpretation of the dogma 
extra ecclesiam nulla salus as 
expressed in the second part of
 the Letter of the Holy Office 1949?
The  Holy Spirit teaches 
that we humans can physically 
see people in Heaven saved 
without the baptism of water
 in the Catholic Church 
and so there is salvation
 outside the Church?

 Such statements are formulated using
 languages and concepts belonging to 
human cultures, and are taught by
 the Church in particular historical circumstances.
 But these languages, concepts, and 
circumstances do not in any way alter or
 distort the truths that God asserts. They
 are used by all-powerful divine providence
 to express precisely the meaning that God 
intends to communicate.
Lionel: The signatories can see 
people in Heaven who are saved
 without the baptism of water 
and these persons can also be
 seen on earth,and so they 
are exceptions to all needing
 to formally enter the Church 
for salvation. This is the 
new salvation theology accepted
 by the signatories as God- 
-asserting truth.

 It is the signatories’ earnest hope and prayer
 that the cardinals and patriarchs will speak 
out against the errors that their critique 
addresses, and that the Holy Father will
authoritatively condemn these errors.
Lionel: Meanwhile the signatories 
will  not condemn their own
 errors,that of the contemporary
 magisterium and the SSPX on 
salvation theology ?-Lionel Andrades


APRIL 29, 2016

For Burke and Shaw subjective cases are objective, this is the norm.So they interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Cardinal Kasper will say doctrine has not 

been changed in principle, in theory but

 he knows very well that with the new 

theology, doctrine has been changed 

de jure and de facto, in principle and in fact

Pope Francis permits the Traditional Latin

 Mass only with the new ecclesiology and 

compromise : Joseph Shaw looks the other way

Joseph Shaw is not going to tell
 Muslims at Oxford that the Chuch
 says all need to formally enter
 the Church to avoid Hell. Neither
 is Gavin D'Costa going to say this
 in Bristol.
Joseph Shaw would not say that all
 need to formally enter the Church 
for salvation in Britain. 
This would be the old ecclesiology.
Instead he would say that there are
 exceptions. This is the new

No text in Quanto Conficiamur
 Moerore or the Council of Trent
 says there are exceptions to the
 traditional interpretation of the
 dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Department of Theology and Religious

 Studies at the University of Bristol 

is still teaching an irrationality :

 even after being informed

May 31, 2014

Joseph Shaw, Gavin D'Costa obedient

 to Cardinal Vince Nicols are

 misleading lay Catholics

May 29, 2014

Cardinal Nicols and FIUV are telling

 a falsehood. Why do rank and file 

Catholics have to accept it?

May 20, 2014

If someone is saved with ' a ray of the

 Truth' (Nostra Aetate 2) it is not 

known in 2014, so NA 2 does not 

contradict AG 7 or extra ecclesiam

 nulla salus

May 13, 2014

Orthodox Catholics have no comments

 on the University of Bristol video

The Latin Mass Society is part of the 
Establishment which does not affirm
 traditional doctrine,ecclesiology and
 interprets Vatican Council II with
 an irrationality which is politically 


Exclusivist ecclesiology?
The new theology is based on 
being able to see the dead.
 Remove the premise, which is,
 "I can see the dead on earth"
.We then have the old 
ecclesiology, the exclusivist
 ecclesiology. The ecclesiology 
of Vatican Council II is exclusivist.
 Since it affirms the rigorist
 interpretation of the dogma 
extra ecclesiam nulla s
alus in Ad Gentes 7, which
 says all need faith and 
baptism for salvation.LG 16,
LG 8,UR 3,NA 2 etc are not
 known exceptions to Ad Gentes
 7 or the dogma on exclusive 
salvation in the Catholic Church.
 We are left with the old 

Who agrees with you?

Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson
 says Vatican Council II does
 not contradict the dogma
 extra ecclesiam nulla salus
 and the Syllabus of Errors


Implicit intention, invincible 
ignorance and a good conscience
 (LG 16) in Vatican Council II 
do not contradict extra 
ecclesiam nulla salus 
–John Martigioni 

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