Sunday, July 17, 2016

SSPX announce that Vatican Council II can be interpreted with Feeneyism and Rome can do the same and so come back to Tradition

Statement of SSPX Superior-general Bp. Fellay 

Communiqué from the Superior General to All Members of the Society of Saint Pius X at the conclusion of the meeting of major superiors in Anzère (Valais), June 28 2016
[Made public on July 16,2016]

For the glory of God,
for the honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of His Most Holy Mother,
for our salvation.

In the present grave state of necessity in the Church, which gives it the right to administer spiritual aid to the souls that turn to it, the Society of Saint Pius X does not seek above all a canonical recognition, to which it has a right because it is Catholic.
Lionel: It does not accept Vatican Council II, Cushingite, interpreted with an irrational premise; interpreted with hypothetical cases being objectively visible in 2016, for them to be objective and real exceptions, to all needing to formally enter the Church for salvation.
Neither does it acknowledge or accept Vatican Council II, Feeneyite, interpreted without the irrational premise; interpreted with hypothetical cases being invisible in 2016 for them to be objective exceptions to all needing to formally enter the Church for salvation.
It is with this doctrinal confusion, doctrinal heresy, that it sought canonical status.It is making the same doctrinal error as the contemporary magisterium and is not aware of it.

 The solution is not simply juridical. It depends on a doctrinal position that it is imperative to express.
Lionel: The solution depends on a doctrinal position that it is imperative to express,agreed!

When Saint Pius X condemned modernism, he traced the whole argument of the encyclical Pascendi back to one initial principle: independence. Now the world makes all its efforts to change the axis around which it must turn. And it is obvious to Catholics, as it is to those who are not, that the Cross is no longer that axis. Paul VI said it very well: man is (See Closing Speech of Vatican II, December 7, 1965).

Today the world turns around this, according to him, definitively established axis: human dignity, man’s conscience and freedom. Modern man exists for his own sake. Man is the king of the universe. He has dethroned Christ. Man exalts his autonomous, independent conscience, to the point of dissolving even the very foundations of the family and marriage.
Lionel: The SSPX's new theology, based on the irrational premise,does the same. Theologically it rejects the teaching on the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation( since there are exceptions), it changes the Nicene Creed(with the exceptions of the baptism of desire etc),it  rejects the Athanasius Creed since it rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which does not mention any exceptions.It interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism and is not aware of the rational choice of a Vatican Council II interpreted with traditional Feeneyism.

The Society of Saint Pius X has always opposed this project of deconstruction of the universe, both the political society, and the Church.

To remedy this universal disorder, the Good Lord raised up a man, a Christian, a priest, a bishop. What did he do? He founded a society—a hierarchical society—the principle and end of which are just the antidote to this universal disorder: The Sacrament of Holy Orders. The purpose of the Society of Saint Pius X continues to be not only the actual remedy of the crisis but also thereby the salvation of all who cooperate in it. The Society is determined to keep doctrinal, theological and social rectitude, founded on the Cross of Jesus Christ, on His Kingship, on His sacrifice, and on His priesthood, the principle of all order and of all grace. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre fought his whole life long for the triumph of these fundamental truths. It is incumbent on us at the present hour to redouble our efforts and to intensify the same fight on the same principles.
Lionel: Archbishop Lefebvre in an oversight interpreted Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with the theology of Cushingism instead of Feeneyism. This is modernism.
Even the community of Fr.Leonard Feeney, in the USA, the St. Benedict Centers, who are criticized by SSPX and FSSP priests, interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism.However the St.Benedict Centers, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, with Feeneyism.
So the SSPX, the SBC, the sedevacantists  and the contemporary magisterium are making the same error on Vatican Council II.They are not interpreting the Council with rational Feeneyism.

We are not “conciliarists”: for they deny that Christ’s cross is the world’s axis; neither are we dissenters who reject the social nature of the Church. We are a Society of priests of Jesus Christ, of the Catholic Church.
Lionel:This is a society which interprets magisterial documents with an objective error.Even after repeatedly pointing it out to them there is no comment.

Is this truly the moment for the general restoration of the Church?
Lionel: Yes.It could be the moment when the SSPX, SBC, sedevacantists, cardinals and bishops affirm Vatican Council II and EENS with rational Feeneyism i.e there are no  explicit cases of the baptism of desire etc, hypothetical cases cannot be explicit exceptions to the dogma EENS and there are no known cases of persons now in Heaven saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church, since no one could have humanly known of these cases.

 Divine Providence does not abandon its Church, the head of which is the Pope, the Vicar of Jesus Christ.
Lionel: Divine Providence has not abandoned the Church but is waiting for the SSPX Superior General to catch up with the doctrinal error being made and to humbly correct it.
 This is why an indisputable sign of this restoration will be the express desire will of the Supreme Pontiff to grant the means with which to reestablish the order of the priesthood, of the faith, and of Tradition, sign which will moreover be the guarantee of the necessary unity of the family of Tradition.
Lionel: If the Holy Father recognises the SSPX with canonical status it will be because the SSPX like the Holy Father is interpreting Vatican Council II with irrational, non traditional and heretical Cushingism. The SSPX could announce that they accept Vatican Council II interpreted with Feeneyism and they should ask Rome to do the same and so come back to the true Faith.-Lionel Andrades

Christus regnat,
Christus imperat,
Deo gratias,

+ Bernard Fellay
Anzère, 28 June 2016
on the vigil of the Apostles Peter and Paul

[Source: SSPX news agency DICI]

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