Sunday, July 17, 2016

When the Council is interpreted with the new theology, which is based on an irrational premise, there are dogmatic and doctrinal changes.It is a break with the pre-Council of Trent magisterium of the Catholic Church.

From Louie Verrecchio's blog:

Una Voce Reflection on Vatican II

Vatican II Image
Una Voce Miami has produced a reflection on the Second Vatican Council entitled, Vatican Council II: A bridge that unites or a wedge that divides?  ...
Lionel: For Una Voce and Louie Verrecchio, Vatican Council II divides Catholics.Since they both use an irrational premise to interpret the Council as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They produce a new ecclesiology,based on the irrational premise which is part of the new theology,  and then they wrongly condemn Vatican Council II for it.

Below I will include portions of the Reflection in bold, with my suggestions as to how the statement might be better worded in italics.
The council did not define or reformulate any question of faith or of revealed truth; it merely proposed pastoral suggestions relying, when it came to doctrinal matters, almost entirely on the perennial Magisterium of the Church.
Lionel: When the Council is interpreted with the new theology, which is based on an irrational premise, there are dogmatic and doctrinal changes.It is  a break with the pre-Council of Trent magisterium of the Catholic Church.
While it is true that the Council did not formally define or reformulate doctrine (indeed, it neither had nor claimed the authority to do so), it most certainly did set forth propositions that amount to a reformulation of the faith such as it had perennially been taught and understood to that point; e.g., with respect to the salvific nature of the heretical communities, the Church’s relationship with the Jews, the right to religious freedom, etc.
Lionel: These are changes in doctrine.By avoiding the irrational premise and the new theology, which is used by the SSPX, I can interpret Vatican Council II in line with the old ecclesiology.The old ecclesiology is  based on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus having no exceptions.
So now we have two faiths in the Catholic Church. Those who interpret Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents with an irrationality have created a new faith.The fault is not there with Vatican Council II once you are aware of the irrational premise.Re-interpret the Council without it.-Lionel Andrades

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