Sunday, September 4, 2016

The issue is the inference.Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the inference from Cushingism or Feeneyism

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The SSPX has difficulty with several doctrinal positions as they were expressed at Vatican II, and believes they represent a rupture with Tradition. However, the SSPX has no problem with Baptism of Desire. I refer you to this link:
They are quite clear in their own publication that they are solidly in line with the Modernist interpretation of No Salvation Outside the Church. I am in strong agreement with the Traditional "Feeneyite" interpretion myself, and have long expressed my belief that all of the problems in the Church began with this singular heresy.

September 4, 2016 at 3:07 AM

The SSPX has difficulty with several doctrinal positions as they were expressed at Vatican II, and believes they represent a rupture with Tradition. However, the SSPX has no problem with Baptism of Desire. I refer you to this link:

Yes it is a baptism of desire which is VISIBLE.
It is Cushingite baptism of desire.
It is irrational. It contadicts a baptism of desire which is interpreted as being INVISIBLE.So instead of a Feeneyite baptism of desire they opt for a Cushingite baptism of desire.
This is a change in doctrine. It is an innovation.

They are quite clear in their own publication that they are solidly in line with the Modernist interpretation of No Salvation Outside the Church.
Yes it is the modernist interpretation of No Salvation Outside the Church. It is EENS( Cushingite).It differs of course from the original EENS of the Church Councils which did not mention any exceptions.

I am in strong agreement with the Traditional "Feeneyite" interpretion myself, and have long expressed my belief that all of the problems in the Church began with this singular heresy.

Lionel: I agree with you that this is a heresy. However it can be avoided in the future.It is not something fixed in Vatican Council II. The issue is the inference.Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the inference from Cushingism or Feeneyism.

September 4, 2016 at 9:15 AM

If the Holy See chooses to interpret Vatican Council without the false premise there can be a reconciliation.The announcement has first to be made by the Holy See.

MAY 20, 2016

SSPX is in doctrinal error like the contemporary magisterium Steve Skojec

MARCH 19, 2015

The 'mainstream' Church has to begin the reconciliation process with doctrinal truth.They have to admit that there are no exceptions to the centuries old interpretation of the dogma EENS, on March 19,2015

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