Friday, November 18, 2016

On Sunday is the feast of Christ the King. We need to only vote for a political party which upholds the separation of secularism and state.

This  feast of Christ the King we could call for a separation of secularism and state.There should be a call for a separation of leftist ideology and the state.SInce presently it is clear that the Left is of Satan.
This is ideology seeks freedom only for the things of Satan or what Satan would approve directly or indirectly.
State and the leftist ' religion' must be separated. Their morality on abortion, contraception, restrictions on Judeo Christian values etc must be separated from the Government.
Why vote for the leftists or the right wing when both are the creation of secularism.Secularism is sectarian and discriminatory.It represents one particular lobby.
On Sunday is the feast of Christ the King.
We need to only vote for a political party which upholds the separation of secularism and state.-Lionel Andrades

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