Friday, November 18, 2016

Two American rebels of the Franciscans of the Immacuate Order have joined the Conventual Franciscans :Fifteen monasteries and missions in Italy closed down :Gloria TV


Gloria.TV News on the 18th of November 2016

Intended Confusion: We should not be surprised that Pope Francis has declined the request of four Cardinals for clarification of Amoris Laetitia, writes the Catholic journalist, Phil Lawler. Quote: “Are faithful Catholics confused by that document? Absolutely. That is the Holy Father’s intent. The confusion is not a bug; it’s a feature.”

Contradictory Progress: Radical Cardinal Walter Kasper, a close adviser of Pope Francis, said introducing a concert in Trent, Italy, that the German heretic Martin Luther has been – quote – “demonized” for centuries. But now he is seen as a – quote - “religious man,” a “witness to Christ who did not want to build a Reformed Church, but rather start a reformation, an evangelical renewal of the whole Church.” Kasper called this contradiction a – quote – “progress.”

Scorched Earth: Francis’ action against the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate has generated disastrous results, writes Riposte-catholique. Fifteen monasteries and three missions of the friars have been closed down. In Italy there are no novices left. The order is deeply divided. Two American friars, Angelo Geiger and Peter-Damian Fehlner, who belonged to the group of five rebels who triggered the Vatican’s intervention, returned to the their old order, the Conventual Franciscans.

Don’t Donate: The Lepanto Institute is encouraging people to refrain from donating to the annual collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development this weekend. The CCHD funds at least 23 organizations which support abortion or homosexualism. Last year the CCHD gave $70,000 to an organization called Somos un Pueblo Unido which is a partner of the homosex advocacy organization, Equality New Mexico.

Sexual And Liturgical Abuse: The 34 year old Moslem Issam El Jyad who served at the altar in Saint Peter, Vatican, during Pope Francis’ Jubilee Mass for convicts was, among other offenses, condemned for sexual assault against a young woman.

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