Saturday, November 12, 2016

E 'ora cattolici esporre l'irrazionalità nella nuova teologia di don Alessandro e nuove dottrine sull'ecumenismo e la sua interpretazione del Concilio Vaticano II come rottura con Tradizione .Deve essere chiesto affermare il Concilio Vaticano II, in armonia con la rigida interpretazione del dogma come eens era noto nel 16 ° secolo

Image result for Photo of Don Alessandro Minutella
E 'ora cattolici esporre l'irrazionalità nella nuova teologia di don Alessandro Minutella  e nuove dottrine sull'ecumenismo e la sua interpretazione del Concilio Vaticano II come rottura con Tradizione.Deve essere chiesto affermare il Concilio Vaticano II, in armonia con la rigida interpretazione del dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) era noto nel 16 ° secolo
Don Alessandro Minutella ha detto che i lefebvriani e integralisti non accettano il Concilio Vaticano II e non c'è più solo un ecumenismo di ritorno.Mentre lui non dice che tutti i luterani sono sulla strada per l'inferno a meno che non entrano nella Chiesa cattolica.
E 'questo prete liberale che deve essere chiesto affermare il Concilio Vaticano II e l'ecumenismo di ritorno.Lui bisogma affermare Concilio Vaticano II!! Per me il testo del Concilio Vaticano II supporta un ecumenismo di ritorno.Ho mostrato nei commenti su Gloria TV. Non c'era il rifiuto da don Alessandro e Giuseppe Fallaci di Radio Domina Nostra.
Invece è stato Giuseppe Fallaci che ha citato il testo da Unitatits Redintigratio, il Decreto sull'ecumenismo nel Concilio Vaticano II, che ha sostenuto un ecumenismo di ritorno.
Non c'era la teologia al Concilio Vaticano II per respingere un ecumenismo di ritorno.
Lui  non ha potuto fornire alcun testo nella nostra comunicazione.
Così i sacerdoti di Società di San Pio X/Fraternita Sacerdote San Pio  dovrebbero chiedere a Don Alessandro di per favore  affermare il Concilio Vaticano II.
Non interpretare il Concilio Vaticano II come una rottura con il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus e un ecumenismo di ritorno. Io non faccio così come un cattolico.
Ho chiesto a don Alessandro affermare il Concilio Vaticano II, in armonia con il dogma EENS, che è centrale per l'insegnamento sull'ecumenismo.Ma lui non lo farà. Ho sostenuto il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus come è stato interpretato dai missionari 16 ° secolo. Per me il dogma EENS  non è contraddetto da nulla nel Concilio Vaticano II.
Don Alessandro non si può dire che lui  afferma il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus come è stato interpretato dai missionari 16 ° secolo. Dal momento  per lui il Concilio Vaticano II è una rottura con il dogma EENS e il Sillabo. Quindi, non c'è più un ecumenismo di ritorno per lui.
Per lui il battesimo di desiderio e di essere salvato nell'ignoranza invincibile si riferisce a casi oggettivi e sono oggettive eccezioni alla dogma EENS.Per lui il Concilio Vaticano II ha una ermeneutica della rottura con EENS.
Per me il battesimo di desiderio e di essere salvato nell'ignoranza invincibile si riferiscono a casi invisibili nel 2016 e quindi non sono pertinenti o eccezioni alla dogma EENS; non vi è alcun collegamento, fra loro, e Concilio Vaticano II.Per me  Concilion Vaticano II non è una rottura con la Tradizione. Posso affermare il battesimo di desiderio e di essere salvato nell'ignoranza invincibile e il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla nulla salus. Dal momento che il battesimo di desiderio si riferisce a casi invisibili non contraddice il Principio di non contradizione for me.
Don Alessandro non può affermare il battesimo di desiderio in armonia con il Concilio Vaticano II. Dal momento che il battesimo di desiderio è esplicito e quindi sarebbe violare il Principio di Non Contraddizione. Così si sarebbe semplicemente rifiutare il dogma EENS , come i liberali e presente  magistero.
Ora, per sostenere la sua irrazionalità e il rifiuto della tradizione sta chiedendo i lefebvriani per affermare il Concilio Vaticano II, in quali, casi ipotetici di Lumen Gentium 16 ecc sono visibili. Quindi, in questo modo il Concilio  sarà una rottura con il dogma EENS.Ci sarà un rifiuto della ecumenismo di ritorno, dovuta alla presunta salvezza conosciuto al di fuori della Chiesa.
E 'ora cattolici esporre l'irrazionalità nella nuova teologia di don Alessandro e nuove dottrine sull'ecumenismo e la sua interpretazione del Concilio Vaticano II come rottura con Tradition.Ddeve essere chiesto per affermare il Concilio Vaticano II, in armonia con la 'rigida' interpretazione del dogma EENS come  era noto nel 16 ° secolo.
-Lionel Andrades

 NOVEMBER 12, 2016

It is time Catholics expose the irrationality in Don Alessandro's new theology and new doctrines on ecumenism and his interpretation of Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition.He must be asked to affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS as it was known in the 16th century

It is time Catholics expose the irrationality in Don Alessandro's new theology and new doctrines on ecumenism and his interpretation of Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition.He must be asked to affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS as it was known in the 16th century

Image result for Photo of Don Alessandro Minutella
Don Alessandro Minutella has said that the Lefebvrists and integralists do not accept Vatican Council II and there is no more only an ecumenism of return while he does not say that all Lutherans are on the way to Hell unless they enter the Catholic Church.
It is this liberal priest who must be asked to affirm Vatican Council II and the ecumenism of return. For me the text of Vatican Council II supports an  ecumenism of return I showed in comments on Gloria TV. There was no denial from Don Alessandro or Giuseppe Fallaci of Radio Domina Nostra.
Instead it was Giuseppe Fallaci who quoted text from Unitatits Redintigratio, the Decree on Ecumenism in Vatican Council II, which supported an ecumenism of return.
There was no theology in Vatican Council II for Don Alessandro to reject an ecumenism of return.
He could not provide any text in our communication.
So it is the Society of St. Pius X priests who should ask Don Alessandro to please affirm Vatican Council II.
Do not interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and an ecumenism of return. As I do not do so as a Catholic.
I have asked Don Alessandro to affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with the dogma EENS,which is central to the teaching on ecumenism, and he will not. I have supported the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was interpreted by the 16th century missionaries. For me the dogma EENS is not contradicted by anything in Vatican Council II.
Don Alessandro cannot say that he affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was interpreted by the 16th century missionaries. Since for him Vatican Council II is a rupture with the dogma EENS and the Syllabus of Errors. So there is no more an ecumenism of return for him.
It is because the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance refers to objective cases and they are objective exceptions to the dogma EENS for him,Vatican Council II has a hermeneutic of rupture.
For me the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance refer to invisible cases in 2016 and so they are not relevant or exceptions to the dogma EENS; there is no connection,betwen them, for me.So Vatican Council II is not a rupture with Tradition. I can affirm the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla nulla salus. Since the baptism of desire refers to invisible cases it does not contradict the Principle of Non Contradictionfor me.
Don Alessandro cannot affirm the baptism of desire in harmony with Vatican Council II. Since the baptism of desire is explicit and so it would violate the Principle of Non Contradiction. So he would simply reject the dogma EENS, like the liberals and the present  magisterium.
Now to support his irrationality and rejection of Tradition he is asking the Lefebvrists to affirm Vatican Council II  in which hypothetical cases of LG 16 etc are visible. So in this way the Council will be a break with the dogma EENS and there will be a rejection of the ecumenism of return due to alleged known salvation outside the Church.
It is time  Catholics expose the irrationality in Don Alessandro's new theology and new doctrines on ecumenism and his interpretation of Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition.He must be asked to affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS as it was known in the 16th century.
-Lionel Andrades

Gaza: Christians continue to be forced to convert to Islam


The plight of Christian living in Gaza under the Palestinian authority continues to worsen. According to a new Arabic language report, recent years have “witnessed a critical upsurge against the Christians,” who only amount to approximately 2,500 people—surrounded by approximately 1.5 million Muslims. Local authorities have abandoned the tiny minority to Islamist elements who have “placed great and continuous pressure” on the Christians.
“At times we hear of the bombing of a Christian bookshop and assaults on churches and other Christian institutions; other times we hear of the kidnapping of Christians and the coercion of them to embrace the religion of Muhammad,” says the report.
In mid October, Christians in Gaza led a protest, calling for the return of their kidnapped children and loved ones. They held up signs saying “I am a Christian and boast of my cross.” Bishop Alexios of the region “confirmed that the Christians who converted to Islam did so under threats, coercion, compulsion, and force.” His church also submitted a formal petition to the governor of the region, Ismail Haniyeh, calling on him to investigate matters, but received no response.
Palestinian Muslim leaders say that such Christians convert of their own free will and without pressure; however, these same Muslim leaders refuse to let their Christian families meet with or even learn the whereabouts of these recent converts, so they can confirm if their conversions were committed freely or under duress.
The report adds that Gaza’s Christians are calling on the Christian world to intervene. The bishop said that he is trying to communicate all of this to the Vatican, the United Nations, and the United States.

France shuts down four more ‘extremist’ mosques


The decision to shut down four “extremist mosques” in the Paris region was based on this:
Article 8 of the laws around the state of emergency which allows for closing places of worship in which words are spoken that provoke hatred or violence or incite people to commit acts of terrorism or justify such acts.
These latest closures come after twenty other mosques were shut down for preaching the jihad ideology in the last year.
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has stated:
There is no place … in France for those who call for and incite hatred in prayer halls or in mosques … About 20 mosques have been closed, and there will be others…
Every Western country needs to be monitoring mosques for jihadist preaching, given the magnitude of the problem. That includes the U.S.; and recently in Canada, the Toronto Star revealed that Islamic schools and mosques are “filled with extremist literature”.
“France shuts four ‘extremist’ mosques in Paris region”, The Local, November 2, 2016:
The mosques were all in the Ile-de-France region around Paris – in the departments of Yvelines, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val de Marne.
In a statement the interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve said authorities had “arranged the administrative closure of four mosques.”
The decision to shut them down was based on “Article 8 of the laws around the state of emergency which allows for closing places of worship in which words are spoken that provoke hatred or violence or incite people to commit acts of terrorism or justify such acts.”
The closures take effect immediately.
One of the mosques was the Al-Islah mosque in Villiers-sur-Marne where authorities discovered a hidden Islamic school in the summer.
It was known to intelligence services because it was frequented by 12 individuals convicted of trying to travel to Syria to wage jihad.
One of the closures was an Islamic prayer room in the town of Ecquevilly in Yvelines that was “an influential place for the Salafist movement… that called for discrimination and hate and even violence.”
After the spate of terror attacks over the last year the French government has been under pressure to crack down on radical Islam, particularly in mosques…..

Australia: Muslim migrant kept 15-year-old girl captive and sexually assaulted her


The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.
“‘He said she was his girlfriend’: Asylum seeker, 29, who ‘kept girl, 15, captive for a month in his Sydney home and sexually assaulted her’ told his landlord they were DATING,” by Kate Darvall and Peter Devlin, Daily Mail Australia, 4 November 2016 (thanks to Kenneth):
…Rashadul Islam allegedly held the girl for a month at a home in Blacktown..
A girl who was allegedly held captive by an asylum seeker for a month in his Sydney home has been found after she was seen running barefoot for her life down a Western Sydney street.
The 15-year-old foster-home girl was allegedly kept as a hostage in a Blacktown home, in Sydney’s west, for four weeks before she was seen by police being chased down a nearby street at 1.30am on Thursday.
An asylum seeker who came to Australia illegally by boat in 2013 is alleged to have been her captor, The Daily Telegraph reports.
Neighbour Amarjeet Singh told the Daily Telegraph the girl ‘seemed scared and was asking police to help her’ as she ran down the street.
‘Across the road was a man in his late 20s talking to police and shouting at the girl,’ Amarjeet said.
When police saw the horrific scene unfold, the girl and her alleged captor were both taken back to Blacktown Police Station.
The girl was later taken to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead for medical assessment, and was released a short time later.
She told police she had been sexually assaulted by Islam and kept against her will in the closed up house for four weeks.
The owner of the Blacktown house, Joe Chen, said Islam told him the 15-year-old girl was his girlfriend.
‘He said she was a girlfriend. (I) saw them together making dinner … shopping together, always together,’ Mr Chen told The Saturday Telegraph.
The home owner said he rented the room to Islam two months ago and noticed the girl when she started living there three weeks ago.
Mr Chen also revealed Islam had a lock on his bedroom door.
The 15-year-old girl was reported missing by the foster home facility where she lived immediately after she went missing in October.
She reportedly met Islam in a chance encounter after leaving the group foster home in Sydney’s west last month.
The Saturday Telegraph reported Islam arrived illegally by boat on March 24, 2013.
He landed in waters off Christmas Island and was held in a Phosphate Hill detention centre for two months.
He was then flown to Australia on May 15, 2013 where he was granted a bridging visa under the Rudd government….

Iran: Muslims kill Baha’i, say Qur’an sanctions killing “apostates”


“The suspects have confessed that they killed Amiri because he was an ‘apostate,’ and they wanted to go to heaven. They said the Quran has sanctioned killing apostates, and that’s what they did.”
Amiri was not an apostate from Islam, unless the killers think all Baha’is are apostates from Islam, but the death penalty for apostasy is well-established: “They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.” (Qur’an 4:89)
A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Bukhari 9.84.57). The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law according to all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence.
This is still the position of all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, both Sunni and Shi’ite. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the most renowned and prominent Muslim cleric in the world, has stated: “The Muslim jurists are unanimous that apostates must be punished, yet they differ as to determining the kind of punishment to be inflicted upon them. The majority of them, including the four main schools of jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali) as well as the other four schools of jurisprudence (the four Shiite schools of Az-Zaidiyyah, Al-Ithna-‘ashriyyah, Al-Ja’fariyyah, and Az-Zaheriyyah) agree that apostates must be executed.”
Qaradawi also once famously said: “If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment, Islam wouldn’t exist today.”
“Elderly Baha’i Man Brutally Murdered Amid Islamic Republic’s ‘Systematic Hatred’ of Baha’is,” International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, November 3, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
Sixty-three-year old Farhang Amiri, a Baha’i man that was well-known in his community, was stabbed to death outside his home in the city of Yazd, 312 miles southeast of Tehran, on September 26, 2016, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has learned.
“The suspects have confessed that they killed Amiri because he was an ‘apostate,’ and they wanted to go to heaven,” a source close to the victim told the Campaign. “They said the Quran has sanctioned killing apostates, and that’s what they did. Their written confessions are in the case file.”
“He had a knife up to the handle in his side and another in his heart,” said the source. “He also had stab wounds in other parts of his body.”
The Baha’i community is one of the most severely persecuted religious minorities in Iran. The faith is not recognized in the Islamic Republic’s Constitution and its members face harsh discrimination in all walks of life as well as prosecution for the public display of their faith.
Amiri’s murder is part of a “systematic effort by the Iranian authorities to encourage hatred and bigotry against Baha’is,” Bani Dugal, the principal representative of the Baha’i International Community (BIC), said in a statement on October 26, 2016.
“Just in the city of Yazd alone, there have been multiple acts of persecution over the past few years, including dozens of wrongful arrests and imprisonments as well as scores of raids on Baha’i residences and businesses,” she added.
“The Amiri family wants this case to be investigated fairly and hopes it will take its legal course,” the source told the Campaign. “The Baha’i faith does not believe in retribution, but [the family] demands the next maximum punishment.”…

UK: Prosecutors afraid to tackle honor killings for fear of unrest from Muslims


Note the use of the term “Asian communities,” reflecting the British media’s ongoing fear of identifying Muslims as Muslims. The same term “Asian” men was often used as a euphemism for Muslim men in describing the perpetrators in the Rotherham sex scandal, in which Muslim men violated some 1400 young girls.
It’s also reported that in the UK, only “three of 43 police forces prepared to tackle honour violence ‘for fear of causing unrest in Asian communities’” and that the Crown Prosecutors Office “is facing an unprecedented wave of criticism over its prosecutions in child sex abuse cases, rape inquiries and a string of failed prosecutions against journalists.”
It is no secret that Islamic supremacists have been implicated in widespread sex assaults on Western soil, ruining the lives of women and their families, and are also committing an exorbitant range of other crimes. Now British authorities are so cowed by the fear of violence from Muslims that they are reluctant to report even the identity of the perpetrators, let alone the crimes.
That same fear is to blame not only for the shocking coverup of Muslim rape gang activity in the UK, but for the Swedish rape crisis; the coverup of a second Muslim beheading in Britain; and the fact that German police were reportedly told to coverup sex assaults by Muslim migrants.
“Prosecutors are failing ‘honour’ crime victims, say Met whistleblower”, UK Guardian, November 8, 2016:
Prosecutors are failing to tackle “honour crimes” in British Asian communities for fear of causing unrest, a Scotland Yard whistleblower has said.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has “denied justice” to victims, Det Sgt Pal Singh told the Daily Telegraph. He said he has witnessed what he believes to be serious miscarriages of justice and felt it was in the “public interest” that he speak out.
The serving officer said: “There appears to be an apathy from the CPS when prosecuting cases where Asian women are victims of ‘honour’-based violence.
“A conviction could lead to unrest in the affected community but if they discontinue a case they know most victims won’t complain due to their vulnerability.”
He told the paper he was prompted to speak publicly after the CPS dropped a forced marriage charge in a case because it said it was unable to locate the victim.
But Det Sgt Singh said he had written to the CPS saying the 27-year-old victim from south London would attend court.
The CPS instead said it would continue with the charges of false imprisonment and common assault and wrote to Det Sgt Singh apologising for not consulting him before dropping the charge.
Figures published by the CPS in September showed there were no successful prosecutions under a specific forced marriage offence in 2015/16, after its introduction in 2014.
However, the report showed there were 53 prosecutions flagged as forced marriage in 2015/16, with six in 10 of those leading to convictions. One defendant was convicted of breaching a forced marriage protection order.
A CPS spokesman said: “These crimes are among the most complex referred to the CPS by police and, as recent statistics show, all agencies involved have major challenges to overcome.
“We recognise that it can be very difficult for victims to come forward, report these crimes and maintain their support during a prosecution, due to the nature of the offences.
“Victims will often be reluctant to criminalise their families, and can feel isolated. The CPS recognises that ‘honour’-based violence and forced marriage are fields in which we need to improve our understanding, response and support to victims…..

Six of the jihadis involved in Paris jihad massacres entered Europe as “refugees”


The solution? Bring in more refugees! What could possibly go wrong?
“Six of the Jihadis Involved in Paris Attacks Entered Europe as ‘Refugees,’” by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, November 11, 2016:
Surviving Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam helped at least 10 Islamic State fighters enter Belgium as “refugees” through the Balkan route, local media reported Friday.
Of these, six went on to participate in the terror attacks which struck Paris last November, and four were involved in the coordinated suicide bombings that hit Brussels in March. The two attacks left 215 people dead, and wounded hundreds more.
According to a programme set to air on the Flemish VTN television station on Sunday, Abdeslam personally brought at least 10 jihadis to Belgium in a rental car.
Picking the terrorists up in Hungary, where they had arrived from Syria amid hordes of “refugees” during the height of last year’s migrant crisis, Abdeslam drove the extremists to Western Europe.
The role of Abdeslam in the preparation of both the November and March terror attacks was much larger than was previously thought, VTM disclosed in a press release.
On top of the six Islamic State fighters known to have been escorted by the Belgium-born terrorist, Reuters yesterday reported that 90 more Syria-trained jihadis are thought to have entered Europe via the refugee route.
One year on from the Paris attacks, 20 victims remain hospitalised from the wounds they sustained, while 600 are still receiving outpatient treatment. A further 2,000 people are undergoing trauma counselling in connection with the attacks.
Earlier this year, the French government was accused of covering up the jihadis’ barbaric torture of victims of the November attacks. Critics claimed that information, which suggested the terrorists castrated, disembowelled, beheaded, and gouged the eyes out of victims, was suppressed so as to minimise public outrage.
Contrary to claims made by Western politicians and commentators during the height of the migrant crisis that securing Europe’s borders is “what ISIS wants”, police believe Nice attacker Mohamed Bouhlel was involved in “No Borders” activism on Italy’s border with France. Earlier this year it emerged that the Islamist, who drove a truck into a crowd killing 85 people, regularly travelled to Italy to help migrants entering Europe.

Muslim persecution forces convert from Islam to Christianity to flee home under armed guard…in the UK


No one should be surprised that this kind of thing is happening in Britain. It’s going to happen a great deal more, too, because the death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law. It’s based on the Qur’an: “They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.” (Qur’an 4:89)
A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Bukhari 9.84.57). The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law according to all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence.
This is still the position of all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, both Sunni and Shi’ite. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the most renowned and prominent Muslim cleric in the world, has stated: “The Muslim jurists are unanimous that apostates must be punished, yet they differ as to determining the kind of punishment to be inflicted upon them. The majority of them, including the four main schools of jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali) as well as the other four schools of jurisprudence (the four Shiite schools of Az-Zaidiyyah, Al-Ithna-‘ashriyyah, Al-Ja’fariyyah, and Az-Zaheriyyah) agree that apostates must be executed.”
Qaradawi also once famously said: “If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment, Islam wouldn’t exist today.”
Nissar Hussain and family
“‘Persecuted’ family forced to flee Manningham home as threats escalate,” by David Jagger, Telegraph & Argus, November 4, 2016:
A FATHER who said he suffered “seven years of persecution” has been forced to flee his home under armed guard amid fears for his safety.
Nissar Hussain was with his family when police arrived and moved him to a safe place.
Mr Hussain said the culmination of the “extreme persecution” had devastated his family and the dramatic arrival of armed police was a complete surprise.
“My family are distraught and extremely traumatised to be leaving,” said Mr Hussain.
“But when your life is at stake there is no other choice.”
Mr Hussain converted to Christianity 20 years ago, but says in recent years he has been subjected to harassment and violence by sections of the Islamic community.
“This extreme persecution by certain people in the Muslim community because we are converts has broken us as a family,” he said.
“We are fragmented and I do not know how we will recover from this. We haven’t functioned properly for years.”
He said “serious questions” needed to be answered.
Last year, Mr Hussain was hospitalised after his kneecap was smashed and his hand broken during an attack outside his home in St Paul’s Road, Manningham.
Two hooded men, one armed with a pick-axe handle, assaulted him in a vicious attack caught on CCTV.
At the time, Mr Hussain said he and his family were being driven out of the city and he was making plans to leave. This week he had started packing up his belongings when the police arrived on Thursday.
He briefly returned home yesterday to collect more items, with police guarding, before leaving Bradford for good.
The 50-year-old, who was a nurse before leaving work due to post-traumatic stress disorder, said his six children, aged eight to 24, and wife would never see their friends again.
He had been expecting an attack for some months, but when the police arrived he was “none the wiser” that he was at such serious risk.
“The armed police arrived at about 3pm on Thursday,” he said….

Lefebvriani dovrebbe chiedere a Don Alessandro Minutella affermare il vecchio ecclesiologia sostenuta dal Concilio Vaticano II, quando lui offre la Santa Messa in Italiano.Quelli che si chiama 'integralisti' dovrebbe fargli notare che il Concilio Vaticano II è tradizionale

Image result for photo of Don Alessandro Minutella
Lefebvriani dovrebbe chiedere a Don Alessandro Minutella : affermare il vecchio ecclesiologia che sostenuta Concilio Vaticano II, quando lui  offre la Santa Messa in Italiano.Quello che lui  chiama 'integralisti' dovrebbe fargli notare che il Concilio Vaticano II è tradizionale
Quando si può vedere che Don Alessandro M.Minutella non può presentare una teologia razionale, o qualsiasi teologia del Concilio Vaticano II, per difendere il suo nuovo ecumenismo e il dialogo interreligioso, i lefebvriani, dovrebbe continuare ad affermare un ecumenismo di ritorno e anche che al di fuori della Chiesa non c'è salvezza per gli indù, ebrei, musulmani ecc- e cita il Concilio Vaticano II. Deve utilizzare il Concilio Vaticano II come loro primaria referenza.Dovrebbero chiedere Arcivescovi Pozzo e di Noia in Ecclesia Dei, Vaticano, che fare lo 
stesso.Chiedete loro di affermare l'interpretazione Feeneyite del dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), come era i missionarie di 16 °secolo.Non vi è nulla nel Concilio Vaticano II per contraddire.Non possono essere eccezioni al dogma della passato o presente, per noi  umani.
Non lasciate Don Alessandro Minutella continuano a dire che i Lefebvristi  non accettano il Concilio Vaticano II in modo che non possono accettare il nuovo ecumenismo.Digli di accettare il Concilio Vaticano II e un ecumenismo di ritorno e poi citare i passaggi da Unitatis Redintigratio.Se  cerca di fingere e cita UR 3 (comunione imperfetta con la Chiesa) per  deroga  un ecumenismo di ritorno, digli che si tratta di un ipotetico referenza.Non possono essere un'eccezione alla dogma EENS. Un'eccezione deve essere personalmente conosciuto e deve essere differente.Deve existe.Se c'è una arancione in una scatola di mele, l'arancia è un'eccezione, non solo perché è diverso, ma perché esiste in quella scatola. Noi non può sapere di uno qualsiasi salvato nel 2016 in comunione imperfetta con la Chiesa, e qui e al di fuori della Chiesa.Non c'e alcun caso noto di 'anonimo cristiano' salvato senza cattolica fede.
Dire al cardinale Gerhard Muller, il Prefetto della Congregazione per la Dottrina della la fede, il Vaticano, che per la salvezza, tutti gli ebrei, i musulmani ecc., bisogno entrare formalmente nella  Chiesa cattolic con 'fede e il battesimo' (Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14).Questo non è solo l'insegnamento dei tradizionalisti,  Concilio Vaticano II lo stesso.Il Concilio  dice che i cattolici sono il nuovo popolo di Dio (Nostra Aetate 4).
 Lefebvriani dovrebbe chiedere a Don Alessandro Minutella che affermare il vecchio ecclesiologia sostenuta dal Concilio Vaticano II, quando lui  offre la Santa Messa in Italiano.Chi lei chiama 'integralisti' dovrebbe fargli notare che il Concilio Vaticano II è tradizionale. Loro non rifiutare una razionale interpretazione del Council che ha una hermeneutica di continuità.Quando il Concilio Vaticano II non è una rottura con la Tradizione e non c'è ambiguità, creato da confondendo ciò che è ipotetica come non ipotetica, poi la Messa del Novus Ordo teologicamente non dovrebbe essere una rottura con la Tradizione.
Teologicamente la Messa che il Papa Francesco offre, è in armonia con la teologia della Messa nel 16 ° secolo, che affermano 'la rigida' interpretazione del dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Non credo che ci sia alcun dolo o cattiva volontà in quello che il buon prete ha detto sul video. Lui  è semplicemente ripetendo la formazione teologica che ha ricevuto presso una delle università pontificie di Roma.
 Apprezzo la sua devozione mariana e ho osservato e condiviso alcuni suoi video come quello presso la tomba di Don Rotondo, Tre Fontane ecc. Sta facendo un buon lavoro su questo tema delle apparizioni della Madonna, che personalmente ho trovato utili.-Lionel Andrades

November 12, 2016

Lefebvrists should ask Fr.Alessandro Minutella to affirm the old ecclesiology supported by Vatican Council II when he offers Holy Mass in Italian.Those whom he calls 'integralists' should point out to him that Vatican Council II is traditional

Lefebvrists should ask Fr.Alessandro Minutella to affirm the old ecclesiology supported by Vatican Council II when he offers Holy Mass in Italian.Those whom he calls 'integralists' should point out to him that Vatican Council II is traditional

Image result for photo of Don Alessandro Minutella
When it can be seen that Fr.Alessandro M.Minutella cannot present a rational theology, or any theology from Vatican Council II, to defend his new ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, the Lefebvrists, should continue to affirm an ecumenism of return and also outside the Church there is no salvation for Hindus, Jews, Muslims  etc- and cite Vatican Council II.They must use Vatican Council II as their primary reference.Then they should ask Archbishops Pozzo and Di Noia at Ecclesia Dei, Vatican, to do the same.
Ask them to affirm the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), as it was known to the 16th century missionaries.Since there is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict it.There can be no exceptions to the dogma in the past or present, for us human beings.
Do not let Fr.Alessandro Minutella continue to say that the Lefebrists do not accept Vatican Council II so they cannot accept the new ecumenism.
Tell him that you accept Vatican Council II and an ecumenism of return and then cite the passages from Unitatis Redintigratio.
If he tries to fake it and cites UR 3( imperfect communion with the Church) as an exception to an ecumenism of return, tell him that this is a hypothetical reference.This cannot be an exception to the dogma EENs. An exception must be personally known and it must be different.It must exist.If there is one orange in a box of apples then the orange is an exception not only because it is different but because it exists there in that box.We cannot know of any one saved in 2016 in imperfect communion with the Church but outside the Catholic Church.There is no known case of 'an anonymous Christian' saved without Catholic faith.So tell Cardinal Gerhard Muller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, that for salvation, all Jews,Muslims etc need to formally enter the Church with 'faith and baptism'(Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14).This is not just the teaching of the traditionalists but of Vatican Council II itself.The Council says Catholics are the new people of God(Nostra Aetate 4).
Lefebvrists should ask Fr.Alessandro Minutella to affirm the old ecclesiology supported by Vatican Council II when he offers Holy Mass in Italian.Those whom he calls 'integralists' should point out to him that Vatican Council II is traditional and they do not reject a rational interpretation of the Council.It has the hermenutic of continuity.
When Vatican Council II is not a rupture with Tradition and there is no ambiguity,created by confusing what is hypothetical as not being hypothetical, then the Novus Ordo Mass theologically should not be a rupture with Tradition.
Theologically the Mass which Pope Francis offers, is in harmony with the theology of the Mass in the 16th century which affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
I don't think that there is any malice or ill will in what the good priest has said on the video. He is simply repeating the theological formation he has received at one of the pontifical universities in Rome. I appreciate his Marian devotion and have watched and shared some of his videos like the one at the tomb of Fr.Rotondo,Tre Fontane etc.He is doing good work on this subject of Our Lady's apparitions, which I have personally found useful.-Lionel Andrades
November 11, 2016

Fr.Alessandro M.Minutella has been teaching false doctrine on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II : he assumes hypothetical cases are not hypothetical and so causes a rupture with Tradition