Monday, January 16, 2017

Dutch priest Christophe J. Kruijen was a liberal like the others at the CDF

It is the Dutch priest Christophe J. Kruijen, 46, in service at the congregation for the doctrine of the faith since 2009, a theologian of acknowledged expertise, awarded with the prestigious Prix Henri De Lubac in 2010 by the French embassy to the Holy See, unanimously bestowed upon him by a jury made up of the cardinals Georges Cottier, Albert Vanhoye, and Paul Poupard, for his theological thesis entitled: “Universal salvation or dual outcome of the judgment: to hope for all? A contribution to the critical study of a contemporary theological opinion concerning the realization of damnation,” defended at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas under the direction of the [liberal] Dominican theologian Charles Morerod, afterward rector of the same university and now the bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg.


He was a liberal like the others at the CDF since he rejects exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.For them hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire are explicit and they exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.

Bishop Charles Morerod was critical of 'Feeneyism' for him there were known exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma.This was his position when he approved the studies of the present Director of Human Life International,Rome Fr.Francesco Giordano.

OCTOBER 2, 2015

Catholic schools in Italy not being allowed to teach the Catholic Faith

SEPTEMBER 13, 2015

Former Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary faculty priest in U-turn: teaches at the Angelicum University

Opus Dei Chaplain contradicts Dean of Theology
 NOVEMBER 11, 2013

Same error in SSPX books repeated by Opus Dei university

NOVEMBER 1, 2013

Opis Dei appoints Mons.Angel Rodriguez Luno as Dean of Theology : prudent priest will not affirm the Catholic Faith

OCTOBER 24, 2013

Opus Dei university in Rome gives Fr.Francesco Giordano a doctorate degree inspite of the error?

Head of the Department of Dogmatic Theology at the Opus Dei University in Rome is still protecting his interests

 NOVEMBER 7, 2013

Opus Dei what does the Catholic Church teach?

NOVEMBER 5, 2013

Secret at Opus Dei University


AUGUST 24, 2014

The present Magisterium supports the political Left on doctrine and has also made a factual mistake


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