Tuesday, January 17, 2017

L'Osservatore Romano supports Maltese bishops' sacrilege : another milestone for one world religion

False Church and false worship of Jesus

Our Lady has cautioned us in her apparitions and locutions given to many Catholics. She has said that Satan will enter the highest levels of the hierarchical Catholic Church. The Eucharist will be compromised.
Maltese bishops: Remarried Catholics ‘at peace’ can receive Communion
The Maltese bishops are following the offical sacrilege of the Eucharist in Germany and here in Rome too where the Eucharist is given to any one who comes forward to receive it, even if they are Muslims who are outside the Church and on the way to Hell or women and men in mortal sin, dressed in short pants and other immodest clothes.
We see the influence of the Masons in the Catholic Church.Satan's influence can be seen in the decisions and choices of the Vatican Curia.-Lionel Andrades

Apostasy: The two bishops of Malta have collectively apostatized from Catholic faith by publishing guidelines allowing adulterers to receive Holy Communion. The Vatican joined this apostasy as the L'Osservatore Romano published the guidelines Friday morning in its print and online versions which is widely considered an approval of the apostasy. https://www.gloria.tv/



December 12, 2014
Lineamenta of the Synod of 2015 confirms Pope Francis is to the target the Eucharist once again

The Synod of the Family was a preparation for the great apostasy. It was another important milestone.


October 30, 2014
War Against the Eucharist - Michael Voris


October 5, 2014
More and more is Maria Divine Mercy proving correct in her statements

May 22, 2014
Words Fail: Kasper calls Francis “radical pope,” says he has papal support on divorcees receiving Eucharist

February 25, 2015
Our Lady warned us.....


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