Wednesday, March 15, 2017

There are no physically visible cases of BOD and I.I in the present times and in the past.

So you see Lionel, Both BOB and BOD are CATHOLICS who are
 designated by the Catholics as Catholics by Catholics before they
 die. and Invincible Ignorance is left TOTALLY in the hands of God,
 like in BEFORE the Catholic Church spread its message throughout
 he world and those who for whatever reason cannot know the word
 of God on Salvation totally UNKNOWN to us mortals on earth.
O.K I agree with you.

So you see Lionel, Both BOB and BOD are CATHOLICS who are 
designated by the Catholics as Catholics by Catholics before they
 die. and Invincible Ignorance is left TOTALLY in the hands of God,
 like in BEFORE the Catholic Church spread its message throughout
 he world and those who for whatever reason cannot know the word 
of God on Salvation totally UNKNOWN to us mortals on earth.
We agreed that there are no physically visible cases 
of BOD and I.I in the present times and in the past.
So the reference above are to hypothetical cases.
 People not personally known ?

So would you agree that there are only invisible BOD
 and I.I cases?
Similarly would you agree that that LG 16 ( invincible
 ignorance) and LG 14( Catechumen who desires the 
baptism of water and dies before receiving it) refers
to invisible for us cases.
-Lionel Andrades

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