Wednesday, March 15, 2017

So would you agree that there are only invisible BOD and I.I cases?

People not personally known ? There certainly are cases where the baptism of desire (BOD) that are known to us!
They are known to you in faith. They are known to you as a hypothesis.However they are not known to you or any one else in real life. Personally no one saw or met them in Heaven or on earth.
Someone proposed their names as saints saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.But physically no one could have seen them.In this sense you do not know any BOD or I.I case and neither do I or any one else.
 So would you agree that there are only invisible BOD and I.I cases? 
Similarly would you agree that that LG 16 ( invincible ignorance)and LG 14( Catechumen who desires the baptism of water and dies before receiving it) refer to invisible for us cases


 Of course  BOD are known to us and the Catechumens who all died are unknown to us if they reached Heaven but for certain some  did reach purgatory or Heaven directly over over 2000 years but we do not know their names.
I repeat

They are known to you in faith. They are known to you as a hypothesis.However they are not known to you or any one else in real life. Personally no one saw or met them in Heaven or on earth.
Someone proposed their names as saints saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.But physically no one could have seen them.In this sense you do not know any BOD or I.I case and neither do I or any one else.-Lionel Andrades

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