Saturday, May 20, 2017

Cushingism according to Cantarella

Cantarella, a traditionalist has been the only person who has understood me all these years and has expressed herself well on traditionalists forums.Here are some excellent observations of Cantarella I just stumbled upon, while hoping to find a photo on Cushingism.
I notice that the pro-SSPX Administrator of the blog says that he is going to hide her views.He of course banned me a few years back since I contradicted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.He  could not understand the difference between Feeneyism and Cushingism as a philosophy and theology.He could not see how there was an  objective mistake made in the Letter of the Holy Office, which violates the Principle of Non Contradiction and it was made magisterial by the liberals and Masons.Cantarella immediately understood this some four or five years back.She straight away had an insight into it.
-Lionel Andrades
Definition of Cushingite
« on: August 23, 2014
All the Cushingites believe in "subsistence" ecclesiology.
What are Cushingites?

+Richard Cushing was the Archbishop of Boston during the controversy of the Saint Benedict Center.  Here is some information about him:

Cushing by the 1960's was an ecumenist who openly prayed with Protestants.  Some on this forum who deny Catholic teaching on Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood use the term "Cushingite" to describe those of us who defend the Catholic teaching.

Those of us who defend the Catholic teaching are not supporters of Cusihing or his ecumenical ideas, and we also know that Cushing is a sideshow, as it was was Cushing, but the Holy Office in a letter approved by Pope Pius XII that corrected the doctrinal error of the Feeneyites.

They have been corrected about the fact that using this term to describe us is a dishonest tactic, but continue to so.  Let the readers who can see this clearly decide.

Definition of Cushingite
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2014
Cushinghites are people that share the modernist error of liberal Richard Cushing.
 Cushinguites say that there can be known souls saved in invincible ignorance or
 baptism of desire, contradicting the ex cathedra thrice defined Extra Ecclesiam
 Nulla Salus dogma that says that only Catholics go to Heaven.

By saying that everyone need not enter the Catholic Church for salvation
 because there are some that can be saved in false religions, (a Jew can be
 saved as a Jew, a Muslim as a Muslim, a Hindu as a Hindu, without
converting explicitly to Catholicism) the Cushinguites throw out the
 window Cantate Domino, Florence, Trent, and even Vatican
Council II (Ad Gentes 7)!.
If anyone says that true and natural water is not necessary
 for baptism and thus twists into some metaphor the words
 of our Lord Jesus Christ" Unless a man be born again of 
water and the Holy Spirit" (Jn 3:5) let him be anathema.

« Reply #4 on: August 23,
 2014, 11:23:39 PM »

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  • That is irrelevant.

    Cushingism is the name of the error that is professed by everyone
     that believes there are known exceptions to Extra Ecclesiam Nulla 
    Salus (this is, that there are known souls that are saved via implicit
     desire without even an explicit belief in the Christian truths). They
     assume this is a reality, a known exception, as we could ever see
     the dead, forgetting that God Himself has revealed only ONE
    BAPTISM. There is only one baptism and that of water that we
     humans know of.

    The conciliar Popes have all been cushinguites. If a person
    believes that non - Catholics can be saved, then that person
     has succumbed to the Cushingite error which contradicts
    EENS, was carried over to Vatican II Council, 
    and has not been corrected yet.

    Cushingism leads to the error of believing that BOD and
     invincible ignorance are actually de fide, instead of
    hypothetical, and it degenerates without fail in 
    universalism and indifferentism, which ends up
     in the Prayer at Assisi.

    That is what is meant by the general adjective of

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    Definition of Cushingite
    « Reply #6 on: August 24, 2014, 12:23:41 AM »

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  • Quote from: Ambrose
    Quote from: Cantarella
    Cushinghites are people that share the modernist error
    of liberal Richard Cushing. Cushinguites say that there
    can be known souls saved in invincible ignorance or

    baptism of desire, contradicting the ex cathedra

    thrice defined Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus dogma

    that says that only Catholics go to Heaven.

    By saying that everyone need not enter the

    Catholic Church for salvation because there

    are some that can be saved in false religions,

    (a Jew can be saved as a Jew, a Muslim as a Muslim,

    a Hindu as a Hindu, without converting explicitly to

    Catholicism) the Cushinguites throw out the window

    Cantate Domino, Florence, Trent, and even

    Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7)!.

    Offline Cantarella

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    Definition of Cushingite
    « Reply #6 on: August 24, 2014, 12:23:41 AM »
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  • Quote from: Ambrose
    Quote from: Cantarella
    Cushinghites are people that share the modernist error of liberal Richard Cushing. Cushinguites say that there can be known souls saved in invincible ignorance or baptism of desire, contradicting the ex cathedra thrice defined Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus dogma that says that only Catholics go to Heaven.

    By saying that everyone need not enter the Catholic Church for salvation because there are some that can be saved in false religions, (a Jew can be saved as a Jew, a Muslim as a Muslim, a Hindu as a Hindu, without converting explicitly to Catholicism) the Cushinguites throw out the window Cantate Domino, Florence, Trent, and even Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7)!.
    That's not what the Holy Office taught.

    The letter of 1949 claims that there are known exceptions
     to the EENS dogma which has been defined by three
    Church Councils. The known exceptions  are supposed
    to be the souls who die "invincible ignorant" of the True
     Faith and are saved through subjective and ambiguous
     "implicit desire via last minute BOD".

    This letter is also a straighforward and blant rejection
    of the Nicene Creed "I believe in one baptism for the
     forgiveness of sin" which refers to water  Baptism only,
    the sacrament that has been revealed by God Himself.
    It is being implied in this letter that there are three or
     more known baptisms:water, desire, blood etc.
    Unfortunately, Vatican II curia - Novus Ordo,
     sedevacantists such as CMRI, and even SSPX
    priests such as Fr.Francois Laisney are guilty of
     the same faulty reasoning.

    As said before, it seems that that the "traditionalists"
     can only point out  to the errors in Vatican II but
    cannot really provide an alternative since they act
     unaware of the Cushing Heresy (invincible ignorance
     -> denial of EENS) which is the cause of those

    The EENS dogma (as all Catholic dogmas) is to
    be understood as solemnly declared, professed,
    and taught since the creation of the
     Church, without any change of meaning.

    Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council, Session 3,
     Chapter 4, #14,ex cathedra: "Hence, too, that
     meaning of the sacred dogmas is ever to be
     maintained which has once been declared by
     Holy Mother Church, and there must never be
     any abandonment of this sense under the pretext
     or in the name of a more profound

    Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council, Session

    3, Canon 4, ex cathedra:

    "If anyone says that it is possible that at
    some time, given theadvancement of

    knowledge, a sense may be assigned to the

    dogmas propounded by the church which

    is different from that which the church has

    understood and understands: let him be anathema."

    Cushinguism is an actual ERROR based on the modernist
    new doctrine of salvation made in the USA. The
    Archbishop of Boston and the liberal  Jesuits there
    gave us the novel concept of an exceptional way of
    salvation: through "invincible ignorance" while in "false
     religion". This objective error was spread in the Catholic
     Church and carried over Vatican II. It is the main basis
     for liberalism and dissent in the Church.
    If anyone says that true and natural water is not
     necessary for baptism and thus twists into some
     metaphor the words of our Lord Jesus Christ"
     Unless a man be born again of water and the 
    Holy Spirit" (Jn 3:5) let him be anathema.;postID=7271516895868257910;board=28;topic=33451.0

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