Saturday, May 27, 2017

Pope Francis to Manchester bomber : follow your conscience and not the Church

Image result for Photo of Pope Francis with Eugenio Scalfari La Repubblica

Pope Francis told Eugenio Scalfari the anti Catholic editor of La Repubblica that "Each of us has a vision of good and of evil. We have to encourage people to move towards what they think is Good." 1Scalfari reminded Pope Francis 'conscience is autonomous, you said, and everyone must obey his conscience. I think that's one of the most courageous steps taken by a Pope.'.The liberal pope replied,"And I repeat it here. Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place."
Image result for Photo of Bishop John arnold at the Manchester Arena
The Manchester bomber may have heard pope express this un-Catholic teaching.Anyway he was following his conscience at the Manchester Arena. The pope would not tell him and other Catholics that they need to be baptized with water for salvation.This is the Gospel Reading tomorrow Ascension.This would be proselytism for the pope and the Left. So his indirect message to the Manchester bomber and other suicide bombers is follow your conscience and you do not have to follow Jesus' teaching and be baptized in the Catholic Church. To proclaim the Ascension message of Jesus would be triumphalism and proselytism for the pope.He tells Scalfari that there is no Catholic God.
Even though the bomber was following his conscience, a statement from the Vatican said:
His Holiness Pope Francis was deeply saddened to learn of the injury and tragic loss of life caused by the barbaric attack in Manchester, and he expresses his heartfelt solidarity with all those affected by this senseless act of violence...
Cardinal Vincent Nichols has expressed his sadness at Monday night’s bombing of the Manchester Arena too .

In a letter to Bishop of Salford John Arnold, the cardinal wrote: “It is with great sorrow that I heard the media reports if last night’s atrocity, in Manchester.

“May God grant strength and enduring faith to all who are bereaved, injured and traumatised. May God welcome into His merciful presence all who have died. May God turn the hearts of all who commit evil to a true understanding of His desire and intention for humanity.”…/cardinal-nichol…
The cardinal who also affirms conscience is supreme and gives the Eucharist to Catholics in mortal sin said, 'May God welcome into His merciful presence all who have died'.This would include the bomber who was following his conscience. Cardinal Nicols also does not tell Muslims that they are going to Hell according to the pre and post Vatican Council II Catholic Church..2 Since he does not believe they are going to Hell.He does not tell Catholics in Britain to go out into the whole world and proclaim the Good News since all non Catholics are on the way to Hell (AG 7, LG 14, Vatican Council II). He who believes will be saved and he who does not will be condemned(Mark 16:16).Instead his message is 'follow your conscience'.
In his message to the Manchester bishop, who also follows his conscience and does not proclaim the Catholic Faith, he said ,'May God turn the hearts of all who commit evil to a true understanding of His desire and intention for humanity.” This is a general statement on all who commit evil. He has not stated that the act of the bomber in Manchester was evil. The bomber could have acted according to his understanding of the Quran or because he was ill and fed up with life, but whatever was his motivation, for the English bishops and Pope Francis, he was following his conscience.
Of course soon there could be more bombings by Muslims who are following their conscience and who will not be told by Cardinal Vince Nicols, that the Catholic Church  teaches, outside the Church there is no salvation and they are outside. Vince Nicol's bad conscience does not oblige him. In conscience Nicols does not believe in the dogma EENS and Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) and so for him  all who have died in the Manchester bombing are on the way to Heaven or wherever.There is no objective reality for the bishops and Pope Francis. Now throughout the Church priests and nuns are teaching this new false teaching.
Bishop John Arnold , the Catholic bishop at Salsford and Manchester however said that 'such an attack can have no justification'.This is curious.Since the bombers could be justifying their attacks by following their conscience. This is the justification.
Bishop John Arnold will not announce that there is an objective reality outside  conscience.So the non Catholics, will go to Hell instead of Heaven and they need to be baptized with water in the Catholic Church in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Hell is an objective reality which exists irrespective of the pope and bishops conscience.Conscience must be informed that only the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth.Other religions are false paths to salvation.If a person drinks poison irrespective of his beliefs about it he will die. This is objective reality irrespective of the confused conscience.If a person jumps off a cliff he go downwards even if his conscience tells him he will fly upwards.This is objective reality and the Catholic Church in its magisterial documents, in Scripture and the past magisterium of people, indicate that the bombers are on the way to Hell.This is taught in magisterial documents which the English bishops do not quote.
 Conscience has to be formed and founded on the truth.A bad conscience formed on error will lead to the fires of Hell. St.Faustina Kowalska when shown Hell by Our Lord, observed that most of the people there did not believe in Hell when they were on earth. They were following a bad conscience.Many could be proud and ignorant like Scalfari.Or others could have been influenced by bad spirits like Umberto Eco, who is in Hell now,his life and literature indicate, even though both are  glorified on earth by the Left, Satan's own.

Archbishop of Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols expressed his “shock and dismay at the horrendous killing of young and innocent people in the Manchester Arena”, while Bishop of Salford John Arnold said the attack “can have no justification”.

At least 22 people, including an eight-year-old-girl, are confirmed to have been killed on the attack on a concert by American singer Ariana Grande.3

The Archbishop of Westminster follows the Masonic priority on conscience and the Eucharist. He tells it like he has been taught. He  gives the Eucharist to practising homosexuals and does not consider this an evil act.  Pastorally there is no objective reality for the bishops.There is no mortal sin, really, for their conscience.So are they expressing “shock and dismay" only because it is politically correct and this is the only priority conscience-wise ?
Pope Francis tells atheists they do not have to believe in God or be members of the Catholic Church for salvation, he tells same sex couples that they must follow their conscience and he does not tell them Jesus says they are on the way to the fires of conscience, he believes in nothing.- -Lionel Andrades




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