Sunday, May 28, 2017

Jesus in the Bible says there is Hell and most people are going there.Vatican Council II, interpreted rationally, also says the same thing

Here's a comment on the  blog post 

English bishops do not tell the truth to future bombers and non Catholics

Few out many things to remember that all whom our Lord chooses will go to heaven Catholic or otherwise.
  1.  Christ chose St. Peter as head of the Church, the first Pope knowing that he would deny Him three times.(remember all Popes are chosen by Cardinals through the working of the Holy Spirit. Pray for them that we may all become one)
  2. Christ chose Judas knowing he would betray Him and even gave him His Body and Blood at the last supper.(never mind the homos or sinners)
  3. Christ on the Cross forgave the thief on His side and welcomed him to Heaven. (unbaptized)
  4. So everything you say about non Catholics going to Hell is your interpretation and sad imagination.  Think about it and pray for you to understand the faith and pray for our Lord to have mercy on all his people.  
  5. Do not judge anyone as only Christ will judge all.
  6. God bless and help you to understand instead of condemning

I agree with you that finally only God can judge and if he wants someone from another to be saved he will be saved, as a Catholic. This is what St. Thomas Aquinas also taught.God has no favourites. He loves every one. He loves Muslims too.He died for them. However for salvation, to make it to Heaven they all need to believe in Him. He is the only Saviour of the world and they need to follow his teachings for salvation and enter the Catholic Church, so that they will know what really is right and wrong, according to the Jesus' Gospel, interpreted by only the Catholic Church.

Few out many things to remember that all whom our Lord chooses will go to heaven Catholic or otherwise.
The difficult teaching which I have to keep writing about and telling others is that Jesus in the Bible says there is Hell and most people are going there.Vatican Council II, interpreted rationally, also says the same thing.
  1.  Christ chose St. Peter as head of the Church, the first Pope knowing that he would deny Him three times.(remember all Popes are chosen by Cardinals through the working of the Holy Spirit. Pray for them that we may all become one)Yes I pray for them including the present one who teaches heresy, contradicts the other popes and  will lead people to Hell.We are in the end times, the times of the Book of Revelation and Our Lady through many apparitions has cautioned us about the errors which will come into the Church at this time and will be accepted by most Catholics including ecclesiastics.

  1. Christ chose Judas knowing he would betray Him and even gave him His Body and Blood at the last supper.(never mind the homos or sinners)
So Judas is in Hell.Of what good was it for him knowing God, being with Him and having so many advantages which others do not have? 
  1. Christ on the Cross forgave the thief on His side and welcomed him to Heaven. (unbaptized)  Yes if Christ wants even an unbaptized person to go to Heaven he can go to Heaven .The point instead, which I keep making is that we cannot judge that any one in 2017 will go to Heaven un-baptised.We cannot know of any particular case. So there cannot be any exception to the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation.It says all need to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation.This is the Church saying this and no pope or cardinal has the right to reject it.This is the teaching of the Holy Spirit. So if someone died in the past without the baptism of water( even if the Good Thief was not baptised as a disciple) he cannot be an exception to the dogma in 2017.It is irrelevant to the traditional teaching on no salvation outside the Church.Someone who does not exist in our reality in 2017 cannot be an exception to the dogma on all needing to be members of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.Yet I am sure your bishop would consider invisible cases are visible exceptions to the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation in the Church.

  1. So everything you say about non Catholics going to Hell is your interpretation and sad imagination. This is a difficult teaching and even the popes and cardinals today do not want to affirm it.It is not a private teaching of mine. I have mentioned this often.1) I have quoted Vatican Council II ( AG 7) which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. It is there in the text.2) I have quoted the Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846,1257) which also says God knows of no means to eternal beatitude other than the baptism of water. It says God the Father wants  all to be united in the Catholic Church, the Church is like the Ark of Noah that saves in the Flood(CCC 845) and CCC 846 cites Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.  3)     Then there is the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus defined by three Church Councils which I keep repeating. So this is not a personal view of mine. I am affirming magisterial texts, which the present liberal magisterium of people at the Vatican, are not affirming.
 Think about it and pray for you to understand the faith and pray for our Lord to have mercy on all his people. 
I understand the faith and I am affirming it.Others understand the faith too here and know that I am correct but they are not affirming it.Jesus is the same ,yesterday, today and tomorrow. The faith cannot be changed, as it has happened in Canada for example, and in your diocese.
  1. Do not judge anyone as only Christ will judge all.      I write what I write as an act of charity.It is a spiritual act of mercy to help people not to go to Hell. St. Faustina Kowalska observed that when Our Lord allowed her to see Hell, she obsereved  that most of the people there were those who did not believe there was a Hell.  I am only pointing out what the Church teaches about sin and Hell.When I refer to the Church, I mean the past mgisterium( before 1940), Scripture interpreted by the past magisterium, Tradition according to the past magisterium and present day magsiterial documents ( Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Dominus Iesus etc) interpreted according to the  past magisterium.The present magisterium uses an irrational premise to interpret magisterial documents past and present and so is a rupture with the past magisterium and in line with the Masons.
  1. God bless and help you to understand instead of condemning.  I am a sinner too. I am not condemning. Condemning would be a sin too.   -Lionel Andrades        

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