Sunday, May 28, 2017

What have all those invisible baptism of desire cases to do with No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church?

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No they (baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance)  are not exceptions to NSOCC (No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church).
Lionel: So they are not exceptions to NSOCC then why did you send me  the references to baptism of desire ? In the past too you sent me a long list of baptism of desire references from the saints and popes?
What has all those baptism of desire cases to do with NSOCC?

 All of them Baptism of Blood, Baptism of Desire( which are known to us to have happened in the past and have no exception to telling all to have Baptism of water whenever POSSIBLE.
Lionel: You mean you believe that they are known to have happened in the past without the baptism of water and this is your personal view and those of the liberal theologians especially in Baltimore and Boston?

 Furthermore  BOB< BOD and II have been taught by the  Catholic Church for centuries as acceptable  means of salvation.
Lionel. Popes and saints have mentioned them in response to questions and campaigns.
So are these BOB and BOD cases relevant to NSOCC when you say they are not exceptions?

 These methods of Salvation were  ALL denied by Father Feeney who openly DENIED bob , bod and II and Cardinal Gibbons who  construed to mean that non Catholics were  also saved,
Lionel: He could have denied that BOB and BOD are exceptions to NSOCC just as I do. Cardinal Gibbons was saying that BOD and BOB were relevant and exceptions to EENS: They even revised the Baltimore Catechism to bring it in line with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 , or vice versa.
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 Both men were WRONG. Father Feeney was wrong in denying a sound teaching of the Catholic Church on BOB< BOD and II, and Cardinal Gibbons was wrong in stating that non Catholics are saved.
Once again:

So they are not exceptions to NSOCC then why did you send me  the references to baptism of desire ? In the past too you sent me a long list of baptism of desire references from the saints and popes?
What have all those baptism of desire cases to do with NSOCC? -Lionel Andrades

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