Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Pakistan sentences man to death for sharing “blasphemous” content about Islam on Facebook

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“Raza was arrested last year for allegedly posting derogatory content about Sunni Muslim religious leaders and the wives of the Prophet Mohammed on Facebook.”
Shi’ites don’t believe that the first three caliphs, Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman, were legitimate, and regards Muhammad’s wife Aisha negatively because of her lifelong opposition to Ali, Muhammad’s son-in-law and the revered figure of Shi’ite Islam. Shi’a believe that Ali was the rightful successor of Muhammad. Aisha hated him for telling Muhammad to relax and that he could always get another wife when she was accused of adultery and in danger of being executed (she was later exonerated after Muhammad received a “revelation” requiring four witnesses for a sexual transgression). So if Taimoor Raza has been sentenced to death for insulting the first three caliphs, which is what is likely meant by “Sunni Muslim religious leaders,” and the “wives of the Prophet Mohammed,” by which is almost certainly meant Aisha, Pakistan’s government is essentially criminalizing Shi’ite Islam.
In any case, this is the future of the supine and cowed West, unless things change drastically.
“Pakistani sentenced to death for blasphemy on social media,” The Nation (Pakistan), June 10, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
MULTAN: A minority Shiite Muslim was sentenced to death in Pakistan for sharing blasphemous content about Islam on social media, a government prosecutor said.
Judge Shabbir Ahmed announced the sentence for 30-year-old Taimoor Raza on Saturday in Bahawalpur in eastern Punjab province, according to Shafiq Qureshi. Raza was arrested last year for allegedly posting derogatory content about Sunni Muslim religious leaders and the wives of the Prophet Mohammed on Facebook.
Qureshi said Bahawalpur’s counter-terrorism force arrested Raza in April last year following a complaint that he was showing onlookers objectionable material on his cell phone at a bus terminal. He added that Raza had previously posted other blasphemous material on Facebook….
In recent months, the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif launched a campaign to rid social media of any content considered insulting to Islam, at least any posted by Pakistanis.
The government petitioned Facebook and Twitter to identify Pakistanis worldwide posting material considered offensive to Islam so that Pakistani authorities can prosecute them or pursue their extradition on charges of blasphemy, tantamount to a death sentence.

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