Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Sharia UK: Two arrested over video of Qur’an burning


They were arrested “on suspicion of racial hatred.” Is it “racial hatred” to burn a Bible in the UK? Why, of course not. And in reality, as opposed to the British legal system, is it “racial hatred” to burn a Qur’an? No. The Qur’an is not a race, and neither is Islam; there are Muslims of all races. This arrest is just another example of the British government’s exaggerated solicitude for Muslims, which stems from the false assumption that jihad violence is the result of the “marginalization” of Muslim communities. The May government has staked the future of Britain on the idea that being nice to Muslims, and moving swiftly and strongly against violations of Sharia blasphemy laws such as this, will end the jihad against Britain.
It will, of course, fail, as will May’s drastically weakened new government, and the entire British political class. The Sharia supremacism they have not only tolerated but encouraged will turn its full force upon its benefactors, and Britain will be awash in blood.
“Two arrested over Facebook and YouTube video of Koran burning amid spate of race attacks in wake of London and Manchester terror attacks,” by Nick Enoch and Rachael Burford, Mailonline, June 8, 2017:
Police have arrested two people on suspicion of racial hatred after a video appeared online showing a man burning a copy of the Koran.
The video, which MailOnline has chosen not to publish, shows a tattooed man standing in a kitchen complaining about being unable to start a fire.
Speaking into the camera, he says: ‘I’ve been trying to get my poxy fire started for half-hour wondering what s**t I can get it going with.’
Holding a paperback copy of the Koran up to the camera, he adds: ‘And then I found this.’
Two videos were posted on Facebook and YouTube on Tuesday and are still available today on various pages.
The second shows the man standing outside tearing pages from the holy book and throwing them on a bonfire.
He says to the camera: ‘And it worked, all I’ve got left is the poxy, sh***y cover and look, that’s on the fire as well.’
West Mercia Police have confirmed they have arrested two people in connection with the video.
Detectives said a 45-year-old man from Worcestershire was arrested on suspicion of posting videos or images likely to cause racial hatred and a 45-year-old woman from Evesham has also been arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred.
Superintendent Kevin Purcell said: ‘This was a concerning incident and we will be carrying out a thorough investigation. It is being investigated as a hate crime.
‘We have been in contact with our local Muslim community via Councillor Jabba Riaz, deputy Mayor for Worcester who, as always, acts as a critical friend in support of what we do.
‘If anyone has any concerns about social media posts that potentially incite hate, I would urge them not to share the posts but to report the incident to the police and social media company at the earliest opportunity.’…

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