Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Prayers for the SSPX reconciliation with the Vatican would be of no avail if the Society's leadership is not willing to face the Anti-Semitic charge threat

All those rosaries offered by the faithful for the SSPX 'doctrinal reconciliation' with the Vatican would be of no avail if the SSPX leadership is not willing to face the Anti-Semitic charge threat.
Bishop Bernard Fellay threw Bishop Richard Williamson over board since he did not want to be accused of Anti-Semitism by the Jewish Left, over the Holocaust figure politically accepted by the ADL and Israel.
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Now it would be easy to affirm Vatican Council II like the St.Benedict Center, Still River did last month in a compromise.However if the SSPX did the same they would be contradicting the General Chapter Statement of 2012 which supported extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with no known possibillities of salvation outside the Church.
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Bishop Fellay is already interpreting Vatican Council II as a rupture with the 2012 General Chapter Statement.He does not know that there is a choice. Or may be he knows but does not want to be accused of being Anti Semitic etc.
The alternative interpretation of Vatican Council II, which would be considered Anti-Semitic would be a breakthrough of the prayers of the faithful and it would require integrity and courage to affirm it in the present times.
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Vatican Council II would be become irrelevant to their receiving canonical recognition.This would happen not by negating Vatican Council II but re-interpreting it without the false premise. So it would be in harmony with Feeneyite EENS.It would not be the interpretation of Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary, Ecclesia Dei.
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Without the false premise Vatican Council II would be in harmony with the past ecclesiology on an ecumenism of return,non Christians on the way to Hell and the need to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.But this would be Anti Semitic for the Kabbalists, ecclesiastical and non ecclesiastical Masonry, globalists, Communists and the synagogue of Satan.
So with this rational interpretation of Vatican Council II there would be a reconciliation with the Vatican, they would meet Ecclesia Dei's demand to accept Vatican Council II, but they would also be shown the Anti Semitism card.
So why would Bishop Fellay want a reconciliation with the Vatican when the Enemy will come after his finances, the physical existence of the SSPX organisation in its present form and the life styles of the SSPX bishops?
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For instance, the SSPX Superior in Italy with the permission of Bishop Fellay has simply to announce :
'We interpret Vatican Council II aware that the baptism of desire can be interpreted as referring to invisible or visible people  in the present times.Common sense tells us that it is a reference to an invisible case.
So the SSPX, Italy chooses to interpret all references to hypothetical cases in Vatican Council II as being simply hypothetical.They cannot be considered, in 2017, as being  objective exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus, outside the Church there is no salvation, for the SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012, is the same as it was for the missionaries and magisterium of the 16th century.
Pope Benedict made an error in March 2016(Avvenire) when he stated that EENS was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century and that there was a development with Vatican Council II, interpreted with the false premise.
So the SSPX Italy announces that they interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (16th century) as being in harmony.The ecclesiology of the Catholic Church before and after Vatican Council II is the same for them.
They call upon Pope Francis to also do the same and so affirm the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation and neither the possibillity of known salvation'
That's it.
This is all that has to be done.
There will be an uproar in the Jewish Left controlled media.Vatican Council II at least would no more be  an issue.
The SSPX and other religious communities, Franciscans, Dominicans,and smal religous communities with a lay-status, societies and associations, would be announcing that they affirm Vatican Council II( premise-free).Since this is rational, traditional and non heretical.This would be seen by the Left as a new problem within the Church and in society at large.
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Canonical status of the religious communities would be assured with Vatican Council II, since there would no more  be a break with Tradition; the old ecclesiology, the Syllabus of Errors and EENS( Feeneyite).
But the Left would call for the opposition to those who affirm EENS which is the basis for the non separation of Church and State( and so opposed to the Zionist control of Italy for example), an  ecumenism of return( opposed to the new one world religion with Satan as its head),an indication that most people are on the way to Hell unless they formally convert into the Church( this contradicts Teilhard di Chardin's ecclesiology)...
So the SSPX is a simple step away from reconciliation with canonical status.But are they willing to face the Enemy and his supporters in the world ?
-Lionel Andrades

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