Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The only Catholic on planet earth who interprets Vatican Council II and EENS without the possibilities are explicit exceptions in 2017 premise

Image result for Photos of Amoris Laetitia and Vatican Council IIImage result for Photos of Amoris Laetitia and Vatican Council II
In Amoris Laetitia there is so much prose which are generalizations.It can be appreciated.It is harmless.In the same way in Vatican Council II, LG 16,LG 14, LG 8,UR 3,NA 2,GS 22 etc there is so much speculation with good will, generalizations.Speculations in Vatican Council II cannot be exceptions or relevant to all needing to be incorporated into the Catholic Church as members for salvation.Speculation does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
There are no known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church without 'faith and baptism'.There are no known cases of non Catholics saved with speculative and theoretical  invincible ignorance(LG 16) etc.
So in Vatican Council II by projecting speculation and theoretical cases as being important, the liberal theologians pretended that these were explicit exceptions to the  dogma EENS.After Vatican Council II they had the support of Cardinal Ottaviani and later Cardinal Ratzinger.No pope issued a correction.
Now in Amoris Laetitia it is speculated that there can be known people, divorced and remarried , who can be given the Eucharist. This is false.There cannot be known people  living in manifest mortal sin and who could be given the Eucharist.If such cases exist they can only be known to God. We cannot tell when someone is living as brother and sister  and are really speaking the truth.We cannot deny that any such case, an exception, would be the cause of scandal to others.
Image result for Photos of possibilitiesImage result for Photos of possibilities are not  real
Yet by assuming possibilities are real people,who are  exceptions, to the teaching on mortal sin and morals, Amoris Laetitia  suggests  that the Eucharist can be given to the divorced and married.Similarly with possibilities of being saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) etc, it is speculated with Vatican Council II  that there are known people saved outside the Church.They are considered examples of salvation outside the church, when in reality there are no such known cases. So in 1949 the Holy Office approved theoretical and speculative cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance as being visible and known exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.This is the false reasoning today of Cardinal Raymond Burke, Bishop Bernard Fellay, Roberto dei Mattei and others opposed to Amoris Laetitia.This is how they interpret Vatican Council II and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.
The error of possibilities being explicitly known to human being, is rejected by them in moral theology but accepted in salvation theology.
There is no exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church for the traditionalist blogger at A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics.Since invincible ignorance is an exception to EENS for him.It is the same with John Salza and Robert Siscoe.They cannot accept that the magisterium made a mistake.
Joseph Shaw,tutor at Oxford University,  will oppose this  philosophical reasoning in Amoris Laetitia  but affirm it in salvation theology.It is the Tridentine Rite Mass without the exclusivist ecclesiology of the 16th century Latin Mass.Since for Shaw speculative cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are real and known people saved outside the church.
Roberto dei Mattei says he is not a Feeneyite.Possibilities of BOD, BOB and I.I are explicit and known exceptions to traditional EENS for him.He is a Cushingite.So Vatican Council II has to be a rupture with the old ecclesiology of the Tridentine Rite Mass for him too.The false premise must be followed by the non traditional conclusion.
Theologically he supports the 'spirit of Vatican Council II'.There cannot be a spirit of Vatican Council II without the mix up among what is visible and invisible, known and unknown,possibilities and concrete cases.
Now in Germany, Malta and other countries  the Eucharist is being given to the divorced and remarried.The alleged known cases of salvation outside the Church; the  exceptions, is the rule. Possibilites are exceptions to the traditional teachings on morals and mortal sin.
They also grant dispensations for inter faith marriages with Protestants. Since the alleged known exceptions of salvation outside the Church  is the rule.Possibilities are known exceptions to the dogma EENS.
Image result for Photos of Dubia cardinalsImage result for Photos of  Filial Correction of Pope Francis
So like the bishops in Germany and Malta,  Pope Francis and Pope Benedict have made a doctrinal mistake in salvation theology but then so have the 'dubbia cardinals'  and the 65- initial signatories of the Filial Correction.I have written about this before and there is no denial from any of them.
None of them want to affirm Vatican Council II and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 without the possibilities are explicit error. With the possibilities are exceptions error they are politically correct with the Left.
I am presently the only Catholic on planet earth, who is affirming Vatican Council II and EENS without the possibilities are exceptions to EENS  error.With this common possibilities are exceptions error, the widespread Arian-like heresy of today in the Church, there are new doctrines created.There is a Vatican Council II (Cushingite) and a EENS(Cushingite) i.e Vatican Council II with the premise and a Vatican Council II without the premise.I am the only person who is writing about this.-Lionel Andrades

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