Monday, December 18, 2017

Bad Scorecard : Bishop Fellay compromises

Bishop Bernard Fellay did not affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King as he promised he would.He no  more talks about Mission and the need for non Catholics to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation, he did not object to the Vatican Document on the Jews which was flawed with Cushingite theology,and now he is not affirming Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite-without the premise).He pretends that Vatican Council II can only be interpreted with Cushingism, so so this is a rejection of extra ecclesiam nulla salus( Feeneyite) and a support for EENS( Cushingism) and then he acts as if he supports traditionalist doctrine  and theology.
Meanwhile the Left allows him to build new seminaries and consecrate priests and offer the Mass in Latin, in exchange.So he and the rest of the SSPX members live peacefully and comfortably like the religious who have the privilege to offer Mass in the vernacular.
Image result for Photo of earthquake at Norcia Benedictine monastery

Image result for Photo of earthquake at Norcia Benedictine monastery

Image result for Photo of earthquake at Norcia Benedictine monastery

Image result for Photo of earthquake at Norcia Benedictine monastery
With the rejection of Feeneyite EENS and Vatican Council II Bishop Bernard  Fellay is unable to affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King. Since with Cushingism theology says there is salvation outside the Church.So if there is known salvation outside the Church, why would non Catholics need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation?  
If he affirmed Feeneyite EENS and Vatican Council II, he would be saying that there is no known salvation outside the Church. The baptism of desire, blood and being saved in invincible ignorance would not be known examples of salvation outside the Church. Possibilities of being saved with BOD, BOB or I.I in the past would not be known people in the present.Unknown people in the past would not be known people saved outside the Church since no one could have seen them in Heaven at that time.All this irrationality is eliminated with EENS and Vatican Council II  interpreted with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism.But Cushingism is the staple theology of  Bishop Fellay and the present magisterium.He will not switch to the rational, traditional and non heretical theology and doctrine of the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades 


DECEMBER 16, 2017

The traditionalists are blocking the reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) with the CDF/Ecclesia Dei since the bloggers are unable to affirm Feeneyte extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS),which is central to the doctrinal crisis in the Catholic Church

 DECEMBER 16, 2017

The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) must set its doctrinal house in order.

DECEMBER 16, 2017

Fr. Pier Paolo Petrucci,SSPX District Superior Italy removed by Bishop Fellay : unable to say Vatican Council II is not a rupture with Tradition and an objective error was made by the Society   


DECEMBER 17, 2017

Was Fr.Pierpaulo Petrucci removed for understanding Vatican Council II(Cushingite-with the premise) was a rupture with Tradition but not Vatican Council II (Feeneyite-premise free) ?

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