Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Charles Coulombe could have said that there are no physically visible cases of the baptism of desire

Charles Coulombe theologically says that there is no baptism of desire but he could simply just say that there are no physically known cases of the baptism of desire in our reality.There is no known case of someone saved outside the Church. Physically we cannot see a person saved outside the Church as Pope Benedict XVI suggested we could in March 2016.Theoretically we can speculate on the baptism of desire but in real life there are none.
He does not even mention this in the video.(6:20) Fr.Leonard Feeney was not teaching heresy since there are  no visible cases of the baptism of desire.It does not exist in our reality for it to be relevant or an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
Charles Coulombe wrote a book on the baptism of desire but did not know that there are no physical cases ? Without physical cases there can be no exceptions to EENS.
(10.22) Fr.Leonard Feeney was not asked to recant since the Holy Office 1949 and the archbishop of Boston Richard Cushing had made the error.They presumed that there were physically visible cases of the baptism of desire, as if they could meet and shake hands with someone saved outside the Church.

He was silenced but not answered since the Magisterium had no answer.The Magisterium had made a mistake.-Lionel Andrades

The Truth about Fr. Feeney (SPECIAL UNCUT EDITION)

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