Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Charles Coulombe discusses the baptism of desire as if there are known cases in our reality.

Charles Coulombe discusses the case of the catechumen on the way to be baptised when this is an unknown person.(16:30).'The baptism of desire- the people must believe that God is out to lunch....' the discussion infers that there are known cases of the baptism of desire who are saved in a way we humans know how.
(18:10) 'this is what people call explicit baptism of desire... '.Trent says that we must be justified with baptism or the ...vow therof..
The Council of Trent refers to the desire thereof but it does not state that it is an exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS, this is inferred by readers.It does not state that this desire thereof is known in personal cases but this is wrongly inferred by people.
So the inference is made by Charles Coulombe and then he discusses the subject without stating that there are no known cases of the baptism of desire, there are no phyiscally visible people saved outside the Church.
(19:18) 'which takes us right back to Aquinas.'
Again St. Thomas Aquinas is referring to a hypothetical case and not someone known in particular who is saved as such.This needed to be clarfied in the video.Otherwise it is a discussion of a theoretical subject and then projecting it as an objective person known to be saved as such.
There are no baptism of desire cases  known to us,in real life, it needs to be said.Then it is possible to re-interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and also Vatican Council II.
(19:32) 'the catechumen who was hit by a truck and was in a state of justification' is a hypothetical scenario. There is no one whom we can see in Heaven saved as such.So the baptism of desire should never have been discussed with reference to EENS or it should have been stated that this is a speculative discussion with no bearing on Feeneyite EENS.

Charles Coulombe is correct the position of Archbishop Lefebvre and Fr. Karl Rahner are the same on this issue. They both assumed hypothetical and physically invisible cases of the baptism of desire were visible and known people saved outside the Church.
(25:21) 'Implicit baptism of desire' again would only be known to God. So it is not an exception to Feeneyite EENS.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 6, 2017

Charles Coulombe could have said that there are no physically visible cases of the baptism of desire

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