Saturday, December 30, 2017

For Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson there are no known cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance. For Cardinal Muller there are

Image result for Photos Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson nuncio to Switzerland

OCTOBER 18, 2017

Maike Hickson could ask for a clarification from Cardinal Muller on the SSPX canonical status :objective error in interview with Pentin
OCTOBER 8, 2017

Massimo Faggioli and Cardinal Burke have to be shown their theological mistake : rejection of the Syllabus of Errors with a false premise
SSPX begin negotiations immediately : affirm Vatican Council II ( premise free)
JUNE 1, 2017  Cardinal Muller is not affirming Catholic teachings according to magisterial documents especially Vatican Council II

MAY 29, 2017

For Muller the Seven Sacraments are not necessary for salvation since there is known salvation outside the Church : new theology more important than Sacraments, new Catholics have to accept this
January 9, 2017    Cardinal Muller for ideological reasons has changed doctrine with an irrational theology to create magisterial heresy
MAY 29, 2017 No one has issued a statement protesting against Cardinal Muller's error
MAY 28, 2017 There are liturgical abuses and a lot of errors in the dogmatic sphere -Cardinal Gerhard Muller on the SSPX
 DECEMBER 30, 2017
When will Cardinal Luiz Ladaria like Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson say there are no known cases of the baptism of desire?


DECEMBER 29, 2017

Only the Catholic Church - 1 -12

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